Monday, April 5, 2021

"A Race War What If..."

In the context of dominate cultures persecuting smaller ones. Example White law makers making Cannabis use a crime. Though used to heal pain for thousands of years it was criminalized in the U.S. because it was commonly consumed by Red Brown, and Black people.

I see an alternate history where Pink people are a powerless minority. This, and their traditions are criminalized.
Golf declared a criminal activity. 5 years for possession of golfing paraphernalia. 8 to15 years for first offense of active golfing. 25 years for the parole. Life or the death penalty...depending on the state for the third.
Consumption of the so-called "Cheeseburger" declared a crime. Possession of paraphernalia,...pickles ketchup buns etc. 5 years. Possession of uncooked meat paddy 5 to 8 years. Possession of cooked patty with intent to consume 15 to 25 years. parole. Sale of uncooked patty 15 years. Sale of cooked patty 30 years. Sale to minor,...death.
Owning multiple cars criminalized. The possession of more than one motorized vehicle for other than licensed professional reasons. Public service for two years plus social responsibility therapy. In excess of three vehicles 10 to 25 years. Sale of multiple motorized vehicles,...death.
Manufacture possession or selling any type of motor home for residential use, and manufacture of any kind of grain alcohol ,...death.
Belonging to any type of racial nationalist group. Including possession of banners of any sort. Literature or recorded nationalist/racial materials on any kind of media. Wearing of illegal nationalist racial symbols customs of 'any' kind, and possession or use of chewing tobacco, and unofficially produced alcohol of any type. 30 years hard labor.
Manufacture of any, and all such nationalist material, and conspiracy to transport, and or distribute same. Death by hanging in a public area of the convicts community. In the case of minor over the age of 10. 18 years plus the right hand to no further than halfway to the joint or elbow will be amputated without anesthesia. (...the Belgians did exactly this in the Congo.)
Parents or guardian(s) fined to no more than 2/3 of their possessions or wealth plus sterilization.
The possession of so-called "country music" instruments, and assorted paraphernalia. 25 years hard labor. The possessing of recordings on any type of media of criminal "Country Music". 5 to 20 case depending . ( If for personal private use 5 to 10 years. If played with others present even family 20 years. No parole.)
Possession Country music media with intent to duplicate no matter the number of copies. That is any quantity more than "one!". 40 years hard labor as long as physically viable or again euthanasia if requested.
Composing illegally publishing on any media criminal "Country Music",...Death. Conspiracy to publish,...Death. Transporting illegally duplicated manuscripts or finished musical products. Death. Failure to report knowledge of the above. Confiscation of all personal properties, and those of family to the third cousins. Life w/o parole or euthanasia if requested.
All this sounds crazy. Well white folks have done exactly this all over the world, they stripped peoples of their cultures as a matter of social control. That, and inflicted punishment irrational extreme, and cruel.
'This' is what it would look like if it happened to pink peoples. If history played out just slightly differently. If other advanced...which some could well have done, and became colonizing industrial enslaving tormenting exploiters.
This is why mostly older white folks are in such a panic.
Their days of over lordship are running out...and they know it. They are soon to be a minority. They know what this will mean since they spent the last 500/600 years tormenting others with impunity.
In 2010 more technicolor babies were born than pink ones. They've been getting born by the metric ton everyday since. This is where the panic to deport 11,000,000 Brown peoples comes from.
They are in pissing terror of their just deserts.
However to us this is just a very minor rear guard action of an already defeated army. I mean Trump, and all that aged redneck I want my country back" noise.
American pink people are already a minority.
Them 2010 babies, all proper citizens, are almost in middle school now. Soon...very soon they'll be voting, and their younger brother's, and sisters, and cousins will be voting just a little after that. ...and more, and more, and more, and more, and more, and yes... More.
However "fear not for I bring thee glad tidings"...sound familiar?
You have nothing to fear. Why? Because 'we' are not 'you'. We ain't perfect, but we sure ain't the worst of you. We will be far more patient thoughtful kind, and generous,...mostly, to you than 'you'
'ever' were to us. You are our brethren. You are our beloved Sisters, and brothers...we're funny this way. ...well most of us. We will embrace you as fellow Americans. As we already do.

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