Friday, June 30, 2017

"A Missive"

                       To the Honorable President of the United States of America.

                       From Sydney Smith retired broadcast engineer.

                       Esteemed Sir.

                       "Fuck you."

                       Yours in full respect for the Office.

"How to Make Stuff"

This week, "How to Make your own Nuclear Bomb"

What you'll need.

A tea cup of kitty litter, three radium tipped wind up clocks. Two AA batteries with a half pound of butter. Then 12 not 11 not 10 or 8 or 9, but exactly 12 standard tea spoons of honey.

Next 1/2 gallon of iced tea with again no more, and no less than 12 ice cubes.

'And yes of course 1/2 ounce of gin with four slices of beef baloney.

Not that chicken or turkey nonsense, but the real thing. Beef fucking Baloney. That other underclass crap is a war crime.


Finally an ounce of unleaded gasoline a kilo of crystal meth as pure as you can make it 20 aspirin and three sugar cubes.

Of course this is complicated!
It's an Atomic fucking Bomb fer Christ's sakes!

All this into a sealed glass pitcher...not metal of any That is unless you 'want' a pre-mature detonation.

There you are.

Next week how to make the Free Lunch.

Stay Tuned.


I was asked what's "Bob the Bunny's" take on Steve Bannon.

"Bob the Bunny" knew Bannon back in the day.
They were both Black Op vets. ...that is before Bannon went rouge. He, and Bob they used to hang out in the back of decommissioned B-52's out at the "Bone Yard. Aka Davis-Monthan AFB. This just outside of Tucson.
There they'd drink laugh, and shoot up speed heroin "speed balls". Sometimes cleaning fluid or root beer. Well Bob did root beer.

Btw that drug road is written all over Bannon's face.

Anyway they had a falling out when Bannon tried to get Bob to join some secret Nazi SS assassins cult. For some weird reason they wanted to terminate all the subway conductors in Chicago. ??? "Bob" said "I only kill for the Constitution."

Bob later passed on an invasive psych profile of that evil Bannon whack job. This to his connections in the NSA/CIA/ Mossad, Apple Microsoft, and that secret bunch that runs all the dark self aware A.I. systems. Yeah all the real power players have his number. So it was just a matter of time till they clipped his wings.
Note how quietly, and smoothly they just ordered Trump to remove him from the NSC...National Security Council. A post to which he himself arraigned his own appointment.

Bob said, " to hand it to 'em...Balls."

Trump signed the order having not read it...had no bleeping idea. He could have been ordering Thai-take out. The dance of the true power cliques is a sight to behold. A grand ballet. That Trump crowd has no idea who, and or what they're fucking with.

It's about to get really entertaining...or so "Bob" tells me.

Stay Tuned.


Sensations drift migrate. Pain makes colonies. Like capital it digs exploits, and moves on. Then the long healing.

"Cold Tiles Soft Steps"
16 days ago I called for help. Then crumpled into my hallway. Voices dim light. Lifted carried rolled. Two operations then four,...I think.

"...Soft Steps"
Pale memories. Brief moments.
All this happened. Is happening is always happening.
Yet so little remembered.
"...Cold Tiles"

There is no sequential narrative yet.


More invasive procedures followed by Zephyrs of sharp pain.

One rides 'with it' not against.
Like pods of whales. like braces of porpoise.
Ride the bow-break of pain.

Glide with it.

"China Gate"

People are good. Everywhere they are in the small kindly ways that matter. I just stumbled over to my fav take-out place for a bit of rice, and soup.
My friends there said do not "do this'.
"Just call".
They'll send with "free delivery" till I'm better.
Miracles small simple kindnesses everywhere.

This is the virtue of our species.

All in a small cup of rice.  In the trying. In the being more than we are. More today than we were yesterday. Small primal beautiful changes. This just this keeps the eternal mid-night at baye.

"Life insists..."

Sleeping. Cold so cold, but burning. A time of ice, and fire. How grateful I am for the Mysteries.


10/12 hour sleeping intervals now. Good. Pain persists. Also good. I have read the "sharper the better". This tells us "how hard the body is fighting".

Life insists on living.

Stay Tuned.

"Three years Ago Today"

Every day a Miracle of sensations.
Walking sleeping hot showers soup comic books sorting laundry talking to friends on the phone banking tapping away on the computer going shopping watching families be families birds cats bugs the wind the rain, and dreams.

Wonder upon wonder.
Attempting to decipher my medical forms tax junk benefits rules all that annoying funny, and silly old person stuff you have to deal with.

What a great Comedy.
I lay in bed, and listen to my Heart beat. It sounds just as it did when I was little, and wondered at every new thing. "Ba~bap~Ba~bap~Ba~bap" it sounded through my pillow as a boy, and still now it goes on, and on. Hardly a missed beat in near a 100 years.
As I said on my birthday, "....'closer to 100 than 20".


So today. Another Day in the Life. Today I prepare for my upcoming classes in cartooning, and book binding. These to get me back into the world.

I'm a self-taught "commix" artist, but always wanted to learn how it was 'actually' done. As opposed to the rule of thumb I've used since near the middle of the last century.
My way is just swell thanks, but still I'd like to know. Might pick up some new pointers. As my dear pals out there know I made my own small art books for years, but would like better skills.

Might be fun, and 'sides I have projects the better skills would really help with.
So a good day today.

"Post Operative Fever Dream # 38"

You mean I went through all this fucked up insane crap...nearly got killed went flying through the air crashed into this weird hell hole had to hang out with a bunch of mutant two foot tall sociopaths had to crap in the woods got ripped off by the tin guy, and that neurotic lion, got chased by flying demon monkeys.
Bleeping witches after me got fucked up on poppies got bamboozled by that phony wizard guy, was screwed over by everybody, and everything in his weird ass Emerald City.

….and you got the ‘frigging nerve’ to tell me I could 'a got out ’a this nightmare just by clicking these damned stupid shoes together?!

"Out, and About"

My pal Justin on his page suggested that maybe we could get Obama to stay as Boss on a "month by month basis" till we get all this mayhem sorted out.

I like the "Month by Month" idea. Not remotely Constitutional, but these days who cares about that. Hell make me boss for a few months till we figure this mess out.

I'll forgive all personal debts.

College mortgage everything, and give everyone over 25 a cash grant of $ make that $20k to start over clean. That would come to the cost of one or two Super Carriers. Which those who know their ordinance know are just floating magnets,...bull eyes for anti-ship missiles.

Btw the age of the big surface fleets is long over. The only reason we still build the damned things is because the "Carrier Admirals" run things. This like the "Battleship Admirals" before them. They'll learn their lesson in the first days of a real war like the battleship jerks learned at Pearl harbor.

...but I digress.

About being Boss of America I'd also have all the damned crooks that destroyed the economy arrested, and shot. Well okay not shot. However given 10 years of public service. Preferably hard labor. I'd do a bunch of other neat things too, but this is just a nice start.

Oh yeah election day is now a public Holiday like July 4th. I really want to arrest, and perhaps shoot all the lobbyists, but then I'm against the death penalty. So perhaps we'll put them in stalls along the Boardwalk at Coney Island.

Folks can come up, and throw pies at them...all day everyday. Five cents a throw as everybody can have a shot. There's more, but I'll have to get back to you about them.

As for what all the mayhem of 2016 has taught me is that we all want the same things. Yeah we put very different spins on it...but it's the same jazz.

Peace security a future for our kids thereby the country.

Social, and economic justice better TV new ice cream flavors a national government in touch with the actual people they are supposed to represent. Rebuilding the damned infrastructure...I mean how many more bridges need to fall the bleep down till we do this...also a trans-continental high speed rail system,...I like trains.

So hating folks that voted this way or that ain't or shouldn't be on the program because as I say,...other than them Nazi's, and the bleeping Klan. Other than them grease-balls we're all on the same side albeit in our various unique ways, and want the same things.

The 1950's ain't coming back...mores the pity.

Oh I dream of the Detroit iron that was shat out onto the new interstates of the time. Sadly that's gone, and now we have cars that look like melted sneakers...good bleeping grief.
Anyway quit fighting, and get ya shit together to fix this wrecked Republic up. Never mind Trump he's already breaking his promises. Just like they all do. Look force your local reps to do their jobs is all. Failing that make me Boss. I'll show ya a thing or two! Uncle Clyde,...or was it Uncle lee. Anyway one of them swell guys had one of man! A 1957 Dodge with fins that could cut a wedding cake!.

Stay Tuned.



Well back from my shrink...they gave me the wrong day for the appointment. Swell. However it did get me out of the house. On the down side I'm out of Meds. they said they would contact my drug store in the morning. Till then I'm a tad dizzy, and shaky.

Otherwise just peachy.

.........>>>>>>I love watching humanity stumbling by when I'm out in the world. On the train it was pre-lunch hour rush. So there were only ten folks in a carriage that holds at max about 80 to 100.

So I had a clear field of view.

Five had their heads buried in their assorted devices four were asleep, and I was watching, and making mental notes of the sociology of early 21st century behaviors. Back in the day folks read newspapers or sometimes books...they still do, but not nearly as much.

Seems I may be joining the head buried riders.

Outside the station they were giving out stuff to those on Medicare or other neat programs for old folks that Trump will soon abolish. In this case they were handing out the "Android" smart phone thing. I chatted with the youngsters running the table,...nice kids really. Anyway I qualified. However I couldn't stay so I'll pick up my "Government handout" as Fox News calls this sort of stuff next week.

Bleep Fox News to Bleeping Bleep.

I mean they had some knuckle head on there last week calling for the abolition of the food program for the very poor...which these days includes me. This evil wonk was saying as how $70 Million + bucks was being defrauded by the un-deserving poor. Imagine all those poor people eating..."Every day!!"

Well it turned out to be "Fake News" like the slander that everybody on public assistance is a drunk crack addict boozer. A Midwestern state had folks tested for drugs before they could eat, and they aren't addicted to anything except hunger. Btw of course one of those republican Scrooges was busted for cocaine possession. I forget the name, but you've heard about it.

If he were poor, and Black he'd be in prison for the next five to fifteen years. Eh,...he never saw the inside of a police about that.

Anyway more of my observations of the world today.

A lady came up to me...and others giving out this leaflet as to how AIDS is the punishment for Sin. I told her it was the punishment for unprotected butt sex. That if she wanted anal sodomy she'd be fine if her pal would wear a condom. She just stared at me.

I was sincere.

Eh,...I think I surprised her with my concern for her health. I try to be reasonable out there I mean I don't wanna get shot or indoctrinated into some cult or insurance plan.

Anyway she thought that I didn't get what she was on she explained. In a word Leviticus. Well being the sort of jolly soul I am I enjoy fucking with my fellow nuts by engaging via the logic of their positions.

This is always fun.

I mean I didn't tell her that this was the most evil, and cruel book of the Judeo Christian Islamic tradition. I just suggested that the translation of the current text of "Leviticus" is very likely wrong, and that theologians were at that very moment slamming each other over the head with hard salami's...ahem, over what a correct version might be. I suggested she use another verse till the dust settled.

I think I confused her.

In any case I said I was late for a doctor's appointment, but took her screed thanked her, and went on my way. I was just doing da Lawd's work.

"My Life of Crime"

First of all I should say that I had forgotten these events for the entirety of my adult life. It's memory as so much else was triggered by a dream.

"Once Upon a Time..."

I was breaking, and entering. Well not "breaking", but most certainly entering. Back in the old days getting into a house was as easy as opening a window,...which I did.

When I was a little boy I used to "enter" other peoples homes. As with all crime this was motivated by want. I "wanted" to know how other people lived what their stuff looked like what weird things they were doing.

Also if they had candy.

I wasn't poor..well not 'very' poor.  Anyway I didn't get a lot of treats. So sweets were part of the temptation. One house I explored turned out to be a Fort Knox of the stuff!  However I didn't take any. In fact I never took anything on these adventures. That wasn't the point.

I was on the prowl for more 'serious' game.

I was an "Other", and I was searching for other Others. Mind you I could never have explained any of this to my folks or the cops. I didn't yet have the intellectual bullshit, and double talk for that.

To the adventure.

I chose my homes almost randomly. Hey I was a ten year old kid not a for real cat burglar. The treasure I sought was intangible. The only vague  precaution was making sure the houses were empty.

This was the early 1960's so most everyone had some kind of job. So the whole neighborhood was fair game. Block after block of doll houses to explore.

I left the homes of friends alone. The houses of strangers was where the real adventure was. The unfamiliar the mysterious. Places of different light touch, and smells. Every structure a new world discovered.

Oh the moral obliviousness of the very young or as J.M. Barrie put's it at the end of "Peter Pan".

 "When Margaret grows up she will have a daughter, who is to be Peter's mother in turn; and thus it will go on, so long as children are gay and innocent and heartless."

Yep that was me alright. You too so cut me some slack in this story. In these secret adventures I saw myself as  one of the wandering explorers of old. Peary at the North Pole or Amundsen in the Antarctic. Oh dreams dreams, and fantasies.

To the Heart of the Matter.

Family albums. After a time my hunts focused on these. The photos told me in quick detail what I needed to know about who lived in whatever house I was "visiting". The who what, but sadly never the why of these lives I was searching through.

The albums I found were generally stored in the same place in house after house. The bedroom closet or close by. So there I would sit on a stranger's bed studying their histories looking for my tribe.

Again I couldn't begin to explain to anyone what or why I was doing this. It was an instinctual exploration for un-namable things that I needed. That I was in desperate "want" of.

The pictures. I was surprised at how similar they all were. Grandma auntie babies somebody in the Army the beach, and birthday parties.

These albums were all just like mine.

However on occasion there 'was' a surprise. One time I unknowingly entered the house of a nudist family. I started through their album, and, "...!!!!!!"

Good bleeping grief! I literally at that point in my life had Never! seen the like! There they all was...auntie mom, and dad, and all the kids Nekkid as hell!!

These folks was "Other" alright, but not the Other I was looking for,...I think.

Close calls.

Yeah there were a few of these. One time I was quietly moving through this kitchen. Kitchen windows of that era, my usual port entry, might as well have had "Welcome" mats in front of them.

Anyway I'm doing my rounds when I see an old lady sleeping on the couch in the living room. To kids old folks look dead when they're asleep. Which is what I thought she was,...till she moved.

I back stepped to the window I came through.

In another I'm on my way to the bedroom to peek through their family album when I hear the front door open.  

I'm fucked. 

I'm going to Juvie Hall. 

I'm going to the Chair. 

I'm going to a firing Squad. 

I'm going to be forced at gun point to eat my greens for the rest of my life. 

My heart is pounding through my Mighty Mouse t-shirt. My lunch is coming out'a my nose, and I wanna wet myself.


Some lady, and her kid just came home, and is headed for the kitchen with it's open window which I just came through.

This is rapidly turning into a nightmare version of "Mayberry RFD". One where Deputy Barney Fife in Klan robes kicks the living crap out of a junior negro perp in the holding cell.

Hey I was ten, but I knew the real world score.

Looking back my only hope was that the lady was a Liberal Sociology Professor who would understand my quest, and ask Deputy Fife not to kill me. 

More likely she was married to a corrupt Teamster with a drinking, and violence problem.

My odds didn't look good.

My heart pounding lunch coming out'a my nose, and ex-Pepsi running down my legs. 

I quickly hid behind an old 1930's screen room divider. 
They was all the rage once...Google them. 

Well,...they walked right past me.  


Oh the perceived safety of the home. No one expects danger or ten year old boys hiding behind old furniture. They went to the kitchen, and I went to the front door left, and ran for my life.

To this day that boy must be telling his grand kids about the time he, and their great grandma surprised a deranged killer in their house.

Of such are family legends born. 

After this earth shattering event I laid low for a time. However being a kid, and stupid though full of grace, and innocence. I went out again. Several times in fact. I think I "visited" 10 or 12 homes during my life of somewhat disturbed, but sincere explorations.

In all these visitations I never found my other "Others". 

I would have recognized them. I didn't know precisely what I was looking for, but I would have known them when I found them. I don't know what I would have done if I had though. 

I hadn't thought that far ahead. ...ask to be adopted? 

Well these outings ended on an interesting note. I did one more visit. This time it was in the Oort Cloud of my neighborhood. You know that the part of your 'hood that borders the unknown regions. The place if you were there alone you'd be lost.

So this one was different. It was a very old frame house. Before this it was all regular Brooklyn  Brown Stones like my own home. This one was perhaps a surviving farm house. The borough was partly farms till the turn of the 20th century. 

No kitchen window this time. I entered through the back door which was unlocked. It was like stepping into a sepia print. The light was dim, and amber. Peeling wall paper. Pictures on the wall of people dressed as folks did long long ago.

Dust, years of it covering dark furniture. There was no one home. No one had been home maybe since before I was born. The house wasn't abandoned not in the 21st century sense.

It was could tell, but not lived in.

It was also cold in that place. I had a chilled tingley feeling standing in there. Much as I, and a friend from school had when we stumbled on an old grave yard in Prospect Park.

When Fredrick Olmsted graded, and arraigned the Park he left certain historical sites intact. A certain Colonial graveyard being one of them. I knew nothing about it. 

Most still don't, but we stumbled into it. Stumbled in, and got the same feeling I had in that old house, "...Leave".  Today I'd say it was spirits. That or what some researchers now think are impressions left on physical objects by persons during extreme emotional events.

They say this explains what traditionally are thought to be ghosts. 


Anyway the Spirits were saying "Don't Disturb". I didn't. I left. So ended my short life of Crime. No as I say I never did find a family of Anarchist Beatnik Weirdos to adopt me. However several years later....

'But that's another story for another time.

The End,...mostly. 

*(As with all of my personal stories they're guaranteed to be more or less mostly true. In this case I did indeed "visit" peoples homes when I was ten years old. The events described did happen,...mostly.

I changed a few details to makes things run smoother, and be somewhat funnier. Otherwise this is what happened. Think of this as a Docudrama.) 

Maybe I'll pitch my very odd life story as a series to HBO. 

"Spirit Noise"

"...and then"

I do not know what comes next. I like many have a feeling about it. A sort 'a kind of thing. A maybe perhaps thing. However we should think of our here, and now as paradise. Our lives today as our heaven.

What we do day to day as our Angelic acts for each other. 

Anything that may come after this would just be a continuance. A refinement of who we really are to others, and ourselves.

"Ave Maria"

Ya know my old Uncle J.B. as we called him,...John Baptiste. Well he got the calling in his middle years after a bout with drink. Stayed a preacher till he was either 98 or 102 depending on which family faction you're in. Gave one of his brimstone sermons the Sunday before his passing.

Show business the clergy, and business run clear through my family both sides...though' being in education is more my Mom's side.

Anyway humm...Maybe I could start my own sort of store front chapel. "Uncle Syd's Frist Church Amazing Bewilderment". This following Uncle's example. Been thinking that for years. When I was on the air I partly thought that's what I was doing anyway.

All Welcome! Any faith non-faith. Wear any shit ya wants, but no food in the in the nice yard in back. Pets welcome too, but ya has to clean up after them same with babies...nappies, and poop bags available free of charge.

All donations tax deductible. ...yes we take cash, and volunteers always needed.

Used DVD's, party hats, and comic books very welcome. Try not to shoot up in the that at home before you come by...addiction referral well as food stamp info, and other survival jazz.

Also always looking for local musicians poets, and or bands to liven things up. smoking...but okay in yard. Looking for volunteer nurses to assist the congregation if Angels or any other spooks happen to show up.

We specialize in the exorcism of Republicans, and Algebra teachers. ...honest it won't hurt a bit,...I'm pretty sure. "

                         Come to our Christmas Eve Feast of Saint Frida Service".

"A Little Visit"

Hi folks.

I'm that guy you call Jesus the Christ, ya doing. Look I came by to say...again. ...gimme a break. That I was born in Judea a few thousand years ago. That I'm a "Brown Jew", and not a "Swedish Christian". Look just Google the history of the area alright?

Also quit worshiping me.

I mean thanks, and all, but that really wasn't the idea. The whole thing was just to get you maniacs to be a bit nicer to each other. Also there's no hell...not in the demented way your Religions teach anyway. That, and quit committing genocide in my various names...not good!

So,....I Loves you Cool Kats.

Yeah ya so full 'a shit, but I still loves you. Try that with them that pisses you off...hint hint...that's what I came to your freak show in the first place for. Btw I like that you're going to the Moon 'n Planets, and all, and making so many cool things...Toasters! Ball point pens...heck even my Dad never thought of that jazz...see you can really be good. 

However that Strip Mining thing...real bad idea.

Your despoiling the Earth is a serious mark against your species. Here's a phrase for you,..."Early Extinction". Get my drift? Anyway with one of my Birthdays coming up,...the real one was in the Spring, but never mind.

Anyhow for my Birthday it would be cool if each of you all seven billion not counting all the Virus Plankton Whales Great Oaks Lady Bugs, Cats, and folks...

Look for my Birthday if each of you Seven Billion Humans could do one kind generous act for each other...I'd ask more, but I ain't gonna push my luck. If you'd do this neat thing. That would seriously make me Happy. You'd actually dig it too!

That, and a Happy New Year.

...And don't drink, and drive or get into stupid fights or family scenes...what the heck's da matter with you people. That's why you can't have nice'on.

Well 'still' loves ya, and keep working on Fusion Energy. Besides Solar that stuff will have you all living like the "Jetson's" in no time.

That's all for now.


"Praise Da Lawd"

An old comrade just suggest I do one of my Sermons.

Well if they'd let me onto a pulpit say in West Virginia. I'd preach..."What da Fuck is Wrong with you Idiots? That asshole ain't gonna re-open the damned mines...he can't. He can't get them plants back. China is for sure keeping them. Also you kidding he can't deport 12 million human beings...that's Nazi shit. Which you'd know if ya ever cracked a damned history book."

"You've been "HAD".. again!! ya Dummies!

Sure now you can say "Nigger" in public, drive around scare'n Colored folks with them Stars, and Bars flags. However as you may have just noticed that ain't feeding your kids paying your damned rent gassing up ya damned trucks or putting new shoes on ya families.

Good fucking luck!

...and stay away from them polyester Klan outfits they ignite at the sight of a match!


The Choir will now sing that old spiritual "Ya Can't Always Get What Ya Wants".

*( A 'Second' sermon was requested from the congregation.)

Fuck you lot wants more...well you asked for it...

Dearly Beloved, and everybody else. We are gathered on this most bleeped up of days to examine our hearts, and all the corroded crap that's clearly in there. What the hell were you damned yokels thinking?! The first big-city Con-Man comes by, and you Give'em the Deeds to ya house, and ya first born.

Next I expect the lot of youse to be on ya knees to some gold plated chicken or calf or whatever. Ain't you learned nothing' yet. No asshole from anywhere is gonna fix ya shit for you. How many times I gotta tell you that?!  "YOU" are the only ones that can fix that action.

If ya ever watched the History Channel or read that Jesus book that ya props up ya TV with you might learn something! And another thing leave them Colored folks alone...they didn't take your jobs away. They and them Arab folks nor the Feminists or ever da bleeping Queers didn't do that. The fuckers you dummies is always voting for did that, and is still doing that.

What I have to come down there, and wop the lot of youse upside the head with a bag of wet pink slips to get ya to see shit from shinola?!!

(...younger folks google that one.)

Right well you fucked ya selves into it this time. Get ready for four years of shit, and broken promise 'cause most of the stuff your hero promised is either illegal stupid evil or...did I say evil. Com'on ya basically decent folks mostly in a way calm down. Love ya kids stop messing around, and see everybody as family. That's what ya Jesus guy said, and you ain't doing it. Not even a little bit.

Does the phrase "Fiery 'fucking Furnace" mean anything to you "I don't read books or watch Cosmos" cracker jacks mean anything to you. It does...good then act accordingly. 


( I needs a fucking drink you lot takes it out's me!)

"Another Day in the Life"

Well I'm cleaning my house. Keeping it pretty.

Acknowledging my aging body. How my flesh hangs on my bones in a different way now.
Thinking of finishing my book. I've dug up, and or downloaded the crap I've been writing over the past 10 years or so.

Also all the usual Sidney stuff. Being depressed, confused, and collecting dolls. Well I can't afford them "Barbie's" anymore so I'm just confused.

Ahh, but oh the sales!

I have no dough, but I 'must' spend! That about sums it up. My problem is I have all I need. I have the basics. A home. A nice comfy bed, a flat screen, a high speed connection. A space to write make art, and toys.

I'm good.

Thing is I see stuff I already have, but at half price, and I want to get 'em, several of 'em! Piles, and piles of useless home appliances.

Toasters, waffle irons, radios, TV's, dish sets, assorted wine racks,...and I don't drink. Pots, pans, fire place grills,. I don't have a fire place. All that, and garden furniture, I don't have a garden.

So you see my problem.

I like everyone else have been hypnotized by the culture of useless stuff. When I'm on the subway I read sales flyers for electronic junk I don't need actually don't want. I'll never use any of that noisy crap, but would buy six of each if I still had a credit card to max out.

It's perhaps good that I'm so poor now. My home is very Zen. There's so little in it, and I likes that just fine.

Happy Solstice.

"Day in the Life",...a while back.

Well as daze go this was productive. I mean as compared to most others when I mostly cower under my kitchen sink. That or bricking up my windows against Nazi's breaking in, and taking my hidden Chocolate stash. 'Or I'm busy scribbling in crayon the details of that new religion I'm starting.

No today I did what I had to do.

I paid my rent mailed in my lease renewal so I'll have a place to live. Took care of my utility bills went to the supermarket, and gave a guy a few bucks so he could get something to eat. Which he did as I saw him go into the Chinese take out as opposed to the drug dealer across the street.

All the necessaries plus a good deed.

Now what? See this is the problem with life. Ya do your responsibilities then you have 95% of the rest of the day to fill up. At least if your retired anyway. One thing later is to measure myself for my new uniform. So I bought a tape measure. Got into this weird theological thing with the proprietor of the shop.

He laid all this Jehovah's Witness paperwork on me...always smile, and nod when this happens. I decided not to tell him about my new religion based on dope sex, and comic books.
Well he was a nice guy, and meant well...I also didn't tell'em I was Queer. Them "Witness" guys support death for fags, and such. Btw as I mentioned somewhere I'm always nice to the assorted religious nuts I bump into. I see them as all having the "Shine".

'Been touched by the Higher Realms, and all.

Sure they're going on about this Gawd or that maybe their dog told them shit who knows, but still they go touched, and went bleeping nuts. The more educated that get touched become theologians or deranged artists. Guys like Pollack Dali Ginsberg, and Walt Whitman.

I know I was "Touched".

Been seeing bleep in time, and space hearing stuff wild dreams alien abductions the whole deal. I remember I was maybe 8, and I was captured by the Sky. I was sitting on the ground in the school yard, and staring at the wonder of the late October sky...didn't notice all the kids had gone in.
Sister Jane had to come out, and get me. The principle thought I was disturbed, and told my Mom I might need help. Mom told her to bleep off, and quit beating me, and all the other kids so much.

So began my life as an "Urban Shaman"...sort of.

Those that used to listen to my radio programs know what I mean. Which is why I'm thinking of setting up a new, and mostly harmless religion. That or just doing a performance of my idea for a store-front temple.

"Uncle Sydney's First Church of Amazing Bewilderment"

The more I think about it the more I may do this thing. Oh yeah about being cool with all the religious nutters on the street.

There's a bunch of "Witness" folks stationed near the subway I use. I always smile, and nod...take their stuff when offered too. I'm sincere. Sure they'd burn me at the what. It's nice to be nice. I even asked them to pray for me when I was going nuts...more than usual a while back.

They did.

Wow how neat is that. Anyway later...did I mention this. Anyway with that tape measure I got from the "Witness" guy at his shop. I'm going to measure myself for me new uniform. Now I just wear the one I've used for the last 50 years or so...jeans t-shirt sneakers cap hoodie.

Basic working class/ student/ artist/ undercover-cop/ lay-about male 20th/21st century garb. Thanks to my sister making a Christmas present of it. Soon I'll be walking around as a mid-19th century U.S. Civil War grunt.

It's what I always wanted.

Anyway such is just another day in the life.

( Btw eventually I did get that uniform, See above, and it's neat as hell!)