Monday, December 25, 2017

"A Night to Remember"

I spent Christmas Eve with my dear friends Sharon, and Paul. Dear pals from my radio days. We sat in the parlor around their tree told stories. Remembered adventures.
They're both still in the biz so they caught me up on the latest news, and dirt. Nothing changes same old mayhem.
We popped Christmas crackers had Chinese take out later ice cream. Being all Catholic survivors told tales of indoctrinations horrors at the hands of the Nuns, and the insanity of that ancient cult. We had great laughs at the Lawd's expense.

Btw he's a cool guy so didn't mind.

We spoke of our lives so far, and death of friends, and those that 'should' be passed on. We pondered the fate of our frayed Republic. The Women's revolution that is ongoing. From the great Women's March on January last.
To now having it's multi leveled effect. It was Black women the numbers show that defeated the rapist Nazi in Alabama. That, and how this profound primal humanist movement may yet overthrow both Houses in 2018.

We spoke of Hope.

We laughed remembered, and had ice cream in honor of Isaac Newton's birthday which by chance is shared with that other guy.

It was a good night.

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