Friday, December 22, 2017

"Speaking of Signs, and Wonders"

I once made a rain cloud in a room I was painting.  I was painting up a cousin's bedroom for her some summers back, and accidentally made rain. 

Seriously weird.

(Above some big shot artist guy somewhere made $zillions by using hi-tech crap to do the same thing. Btw his cloud didn't have no rain in it...bleep'em.)

Anyway how I made my cloud was way simpler. I was at my cousin's house painting her bedroom.
It was a super hot humid day like only New York has. So I turned the a.c. up high, but I didn't close the door to the balcony...oops.

Well as 5th grade science will tell you if ya go mixing hot steamy air with cold dry paint fumes bleep happens.

I'm painting away, and I feel drops on the back of my neck...I looks up, and there's misty clouds drifting around the ceiling, and drops of rain coming out of it!

It was a true to life "Mr. Wizard" google the guy. 

Ain't that something. 

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