Thursday, June 27, 2019


Race attitudes are complex. Difficult irrational contradictory. I have bits of racist resentments with other groups, but know it's nut so deal with it. Some are just not good at the dealing.

Brit rock star "Morrissey" is mixed up in anti-immigrant race hate groups. He was outted when they thanked him for his support. This has some folks stunned. 

It's sad when someone you really dig breaks your heart. 

I came across statements negative about the "Freedmen". That is the post civil war former slaves. This alleged to have been said by Walt Whitman. Yeah 'that' Uncle Walt. ...this in a current New Yorker.

This makes him less saintly, and more like the rest of us. Which of course always he was. Life is complicated, and tough. Being a peacenik I urge compassion, and forgiveness. This as I would also want it for myself.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Me lecturing on Hyperwave Dark Matter realities at Brooklyn College.

This in 1959,...I was ahead of things somewhat. 

I think I'd make a neat President,....I mean now that we know 'anyone' can get the job.
Yeah I'd be a totally insane Boss of Bosses down in D.C. Unlike our current patient there I'd have fun with shit. First off I'd have my new "Department of Happy Surprises" Fed-Ex everyone nice stuff. This happy Department will from time to give out goodies to everyone just because it's nice to do.

..hey what's government for?
We'd have the damned Army Navy 'n Marines set up emergency field clinics/hospitals everywhere...I mean 'everywhere' because what is this shit we're in, but a national Disaster.

...special attention! 
This to the Black Lung victims in mining country. The opioid addiction regions inner city war zones special attention to kids, and the elderly. Make like we was just nuked, and we're putting shit back together 'cause it ain't all that different from that now.

A "Department of Chefs"!
New chefs all over the place cooking up 5 Star meals for everybody that wants or needs 'em.. That, and delivered by our Army...heck if I was a kid I'd join the service to be part of this swell stuff. 
Imagine them new giant ass "King Stallion" choppers landing in the middle of a forsaken 'Murican" town. That and keen to serve G.I.s poring out to feed the hungry comfort the sorrowful, and heal the wounded. "Protect, and Serve" finally come to life!
Also perhaps an "Institute of Safe Desserts.
This would in league with the UN. Basically fixing it so creamy yummies won't give ya cancer diabetes or bad vibes. Figuring out how to make all the world's yummy stuff safe to eat...without killing the damned flavor! We went to the frigging Moon sent two Voyagers to the stars, and have bleeping robots fucking around on Mars...I think we could do this too.
All this, and tons more in the first year or so...I mean besides building the "Woodstock Stonewall Monument", and all the usual crap of running an empire.

"Yes Uncle, but how we gonna pay for all this neat bleep?"

We're still the richest fucking country in all bleeping history. It's just in the last forty years the rich quietly took it all for themselves! This can be fixed. Just ask Robespierre, Stalin, and Walt Disney.

Next issue.

My Birthday is creeping up again. 

The damned things just won't stop no matter what I do! Anyway I wanna a damned cake, and will wander out to get one if it bleeping kills me.
Eating it my docs say probably will,...Bleep'em. It's 'my' birthday.
Above is a feasibility study on a scientifically safe cake. Um,...still might need a few more candles.

Monday, June 24, 2019

"Time, and Again"

I mentioned the danger of being a Black Time Traveler. Especially in North America between roughly 1500~AD, and 2300~CE.
However there were relative safe spots. I set my dark matter pocket watch, and shifted to "June 24th 1967 2:28 pm, Central Park."

To any watching I would seem to have just walked from under the shade of a tree. The experience is like passing through a warm mist. The unit makes your entry as unremarkable as possible.

I wander the park, and observe an actual Hippie Be-in. Of a kind I remember taking part in as a lad. Though now with the experience of 50+ years I see with very different eyes. 

I was at first moved. 

Their hope affection trust. All of which will be co-opted, and betrayed. I realized many of these youths will go on to become the selfish "Me Generation", and later as elders,...hostile xenophobic Trump voters.

I left with somber feelings.

My next stop Wyoming 26,000~BCE.
I was always interested in that culture. Them folks were still somewhat fresh from Pan-Asia so may never have heard any Country & Western Music or had much experience with cops or income tax..

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Everyone wore a suit, and a hat back then. Every guy in the world. They looked 'way cool' too. Our current "Era of Informality" which evolved from the 1950's to today. This will be one day seen as a Bizzaro period. Much as we now view everything people wore in the 70's.
Btw,...has anyone written a book on how 1970's fashion happened?
If they have did they name names, and will there be trials?!

"Bob the Bunny's" passport picture.

Right, the problem here is that there's a bacon fire going on. ...Note growing bright orange flames to left.
I had this one taken in my kitchen. Word to the wise. You can't put a mess of bacon on the stove, and just walk away. Them little bastards go nuts in no time.

"Yet More Rain"

We had a long chilly wet Spring. Now a rainy somewhat cool early Summer. Last year from reading my archives. I note that Spring was very warm, and Summer was brutally hot. I recall I had a heat exhaustion event happen to me.

This is weather which is random. 

Climate, and weather are not the same as most think. ...especially republican elected officials. Climate is long term. In our case progressively warmer.

Mind you a cool Summer is fine by me.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

“Mercurial”, from last Summer

A short "Star Trek" tale. 
It concerns the fate of the Federation vessel USS Pequod. The back story of the ship, and crew I leave to your imaginations. We join them as they enter the Augustine System on the Federation/Breen border.

The ship, and crew of the USS Pequod were caught in a temporal slip. There they stayed for 200,000 years. ...give or take.

Outside the Slip the ages raised, and lowered seas, and rearraigned the stars. Through all this the crew lived the same four minutes.

The same, and the same, and the same.

'Till they didn't.

Like Angels time slips are mercurial. Coming, and going as they please. 
The Augustine Event lifted leaving the Pequod facing, " worlds, and new civilizations".
... later their descendants met a species that knew them. Knew them, and had plans for them. For these were the authors of the Augustinian Event. These people called themselves,...

"The Q". 

Deleted scenes.

The U.S.S. Pequod.
In the Pequod's galley Boson's Mate Ivy reached for her coffee. 200,000 years later she drank it.

In the corridor of deck three Crewman Rodrigo waited for the lift. 200,000 years later it finally arrived.

On the bridge Helmswoman Keong felt a hint of turbulence. 200,000 years later she also noticed all the stars were in the wrong places.

228 years after that,...

Helmswoman Keong's great great grand son's, grand daughter met the "Q".


"Once upon a Time"
There was that what we think was a for real abduction of myself, and my Aunt Sybil from her backyard in 1956. They said it was a dream,...yeah sure it was.A dream so they told me.
As for what it actually was those that know have a lock on it. The rest of us can only wonder.
As for our encounter with what I remember as eight foot tall mechanical guys of some sort, and being taken into the air...seeing the whole damned city in detail. Including the rusty tops of all the bridges...which it turns out they were. What with no real maintenance since before the war...WW2.
I mean well.
That, and seeing their mother ship from inside which looked like a gigantic silver airplane hanger full of all sorts of glowing whiz bangs and bunches of weird folks, and more robots. Well of course any 5 year old could just make this up having never read science fiction seen monster movies or even heard of Superman yet.. I made it up or it was a dream.
Look whatever it was it was seriously weird shit.
Something happened to me, and Auntie. What it really was they'll never let us know. They say it's good to have mysteries. Well this is certainly one.

Stumble ahead 15 years, and there was that stuff my brother ran into the week he got back from Vietnam. He was driving up the N.Y. State Thruway in the middle of the bleeping night going to our summer cabin to chill out. I mean having been in actual combat a week before this was sort of understandable.
( Btw note that working class folks could afford summer cabins back in the day,...a lost world indeed.)
Well just like in grade "Z" movies some blob of rainbow light buzzes the car then the battery goes dead. So there's my dear brother fresh from war with a fucking UFO circling him, and dad's new 1970 Buick.
Swell huh.
Eventually Gort, and Kang get tired of fucking with him, and split straight up at a zillion mph. Like any sensible G.I. John gets the fuck out of there. He makes an illegal U-turn over the divide, and heads back to Brooklyn...where it's safe. I mean relative to Planet X.

Like I sez,....Mysteries.
Yeah we had us a life.


Just got a nice "Message" from my dear old radio daze pal Claude Horvath.
It goes:
"This recent hung jury regarding Bill Cosby got me looking into the 'wondrousness' of O.J. Simpson. Discovered that you were born on the football star-to-be's third birthday."
My swell reply:
"Yeah he gave me a congrats call. I remember it well. There I was being breast fed by ma, and the nurse comes in saying I has a call. Well as you can imagine we was both a bit surprised. Anyway I took the call, and there was "OJ" three year old football star murderer to be wishing me a happy birthday. That, and a nice life being a introverted Queer Commie Artist, and all.
I thanks him as best I can...not much language skill yet, but I made do. I also cautioned him about knives, and such. Anyway we had a nice conversation of sorts. I fell asleep, and he wet his pants...the rest is history.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

"Days go By"

Just sitting reading working on little things editing stuff watching the changing weather. Strange dreams of late. I can't remember them, but I get the flavor. There's an oddness to them, our times.

Warm summer air. I'm by my window. That mix of urban, and rural scents that Summer brings. Also as today the scent of the beach. All just a few miles away. I have a calmness for the moment.

I wish to stay so.

"Getting the Shot"

This has been my fav scene for over 100 years.
A beat cop tried to take down a Dino
with his 38 cal. Rosco.

Friday, June 14, 2019

"Madness of Angels"

Beware inking down of your dreams. They'll either end up in some future holy scripture, and or as evidence at your trial. To the matter. Time is not linear, and space warps. The damned thing stretches contracts , and twists. Like origami on crack whiskey, and pastries.

I mean just ask Niels Bohr...he'll give you an earful.

However the Dreams.
Just emerged from a mist where it was made plain in the vagueness of that realm that no you ain't from here. Neither is your family. Not your line nor the lines of many others. 

Elsewhere, and Else-when.
I wonder if the "Twilight Zone" was not just an entertainment, but a message. That, and all the other strange stories wonderings, and essays. These that the "different" keep writing, and putting before our eyes.

My digital "Hearth, and Home". If done right these platforms of meeting could be such a miracle. It is, but could be so much more. ...just needs a bit more heart, and introspection.

I'm not from here?

Well that would confirm certain oddities from early childhood. Hearing singing as I fell to sleep. Seeing the sky as different colors from what I was told it was. Remembering sight of the Earth from far above, and away. I saw, in dreams?, our cloud covered home as we see it now. I saw it as it really is before there was the evidence of science.

"I'm sorry,...what the fuck is going on?

Not from here.

...Some elsewhere else-when. I'm intermittently grateful. This for making me aware. For helping me endure life sharply, and perhaps more respectfully.

I'm no Angel. No one is. 

Well not all the time. An Angel as I've found is an act. A verb not a noun. We become Angels of the moment by our works, and example. Pass the popcorn.