Sunday, November 10, 2019

“An Alternate History”

Former President John F. Kennedy who held the office from 1960 through 1968. Is seen here in a portrait taken by the BBC for his last public interview in 1992. 
Kennedy remembered for the events in October 1962 when the world was on a knifes edge of nuclear war.
That, and his work in overturning American racial segregation support for the space program beginning the process of banning all nuclear weapons mediating the Canadian Quebec civil war, and his founding of the Department of the Arts.
He returned to politics late in life to run, and be the first governor of the new State of Mannahatta. Formally New York City. Mannahatta being the 54rd state admitted to the Union in 1983. This after Guam, and Puerto Rico became states in 1975, and Labrador in 1947. 

Former President Kennedy passed away in 1993. 
Besides his many legacies to nation, and the world. He is most revered for his posthumous book, and documentations released in 2018. These revealed the existence, and contact with parallel worlds. 
His book “The Six Earths” changed human history.
The heretofore suppressed discovery, and tentative contacts with two of these worlds was made public by his daughter Caroline as JFK wished 25 years after his death.  This in a ceremony at the Department of the Arts. At which not only his book, and documentation was presented to the world but also the first known appearance of an individual from Earth-3. 
Her name is Toni Morrison, and she’s an author.
Her Earth as Ms. Morrison describes is almost identical to ours. Among the exceptions being a longer Great Depression a different Royal line in Britain. They have a Queen not an Emperor. Also their first moon landing was a success.
A major recent change from our history came in November 1963. Their President Kennedy was assassinated by a conglomeration of intelligence agencies, and organized crime. After which Earth-3 went on a long socio-economic downward spiral.
That America is now a divided impoverish nation. The rest of the world is in a state of confusion war, and oppressions. Also their planet is suffering a possible extinction level change in it’s climate.
The other five Earths are very different.
One is a pre-industrial hunter gatherer culture. Another is very similar to Mars, and never evolved life beyond the microbe level. The most advanced is a Neanderthal interstellar society which wishes no direct contact with Human worlds.
Yet another is in the long aftermath of a major asteroid impact. This seemed to have happened 400 years ago.
The final world Earth-6 is dominated by Trilobites. These on our world were a pre-historic form of shallow sea crustacean.

There were attempt by the authorities to stop this dissemination of these historic facts. However Caroline as per her father’s wishes released all the classified files onto the world net. This with a unique form of encryption with makes it impossible to delete or alter it’s substance This the opening to many worlds was President Kennedy’s last gift. 

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