Saturday, September 4, 2021

I'm still struck by the sound of the thing.

Such a volume was falling from the sky it roared like a waterfall.
I was listening to music with headphones. There was a growling sound.
At first I thought there was a massive leak in the building.
I went out into the hall, and the sound was coming from above.

Climbed up to the roof landing.
The steel door vibrated with the force of water hitting it.
It echoed through the whole building.
The door held, but he sound. I'll never forget it. Rain came with such force.
In all my 71 years I never experienced anything like this.
I wanted to see this to be in it. I went down stairs,...and changed my mind.

A few people were watching.
Rain was blasting our glass doors like full force fire hoses. 
Nothing not even Sandy was like this. This was the force of pressurized rain.
If there'd been winds the City would have been devastated. 8 to 12 inches of rain fell in most areas. 
More than a whole summer's worth in just a few hours.

As you see from the videos there was much damage to the region. 42 perished some still missing. One is left shaken confused. Like 9/11 things were thought strong, and permanent aren't.  This the fires every year around the world the extremes of weather now ongoing. We have entered another climatic era. 

It does not mater if millions refuse to believe it. 
Like they don't don't believe COVID is real. It kills them just the same. This era is changing the world. Nature really does not care that some refuse to believe it happening. It will continue to happen till a new balance is established. With or without us

Me? I still don't have hot water. 
I'd rather face the end of things clean, and tidy. So I'm taking cold showers. Like cloistered monks do. I sometimes see my digs as a monastery cell.  I pray secular prayers, and write non-denominational screeds. For the last 18 months in this Pandemic era. That's pretty much what we've all in our unique ways have been doing. We're a kind of secular Monks, and Nuns all. Order of the Sanctus Quarentenus. Be well be safe be kind.

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