Saturday, January 21, 2023

"...News from the Front"


This war tragic as it is and ongoing. Has shown that Russia is not our military peer as we thought. That is a NATO vs Russia conventional conflict would not be the brutal stalemate we projected. If we intervened directly in Ukraine. Russia would be beaten back to their start-line in 72 hours. So the Naval Proceedings say. NATO 'without' U.S. support could beat back a non-nuclear Russian attack. 

They 'do' have 6th generation planes and armor but only handfuls. Putin now knows without nukes he can't defend his borders. Perhaps explains his madness. We are giving Ukraine our 1980's warehouse surplus and only a relative trickle. Yet with just that they held off Russia. Say again. Ukraine with national courage and surplus western arms has and is holding off all of Russia. It's far more complicated but these are the basics. 

Russia this war has shown is a 2nd world/third class military power. China has moved up to number two militarily and on its way to being a first world power economically. It just planted its flag on the Moon and landed a rover on Mars. We're peers...for now. Such is history. "The Great Game"...Google it, continues. This is our only world. We have to find a better way to share it

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