Tuesday, January 10, 2023



*From my journals, New Year’s 2019.

First of all it was winter. Sharp winds early dusks quiet nights. 

Act One Triage.

I find myself in an emergency van passing a bunch of red lights. Always wanted to do that. ...the red lights part. Thanks to President Johnson and Medicare I’m dumped into Triage. If an injury is possible, it's there. Big American cities are like wild west movie towns. Folks getting bit punched stabbed shot up run down burned out. A prisoner chained to a gurney opposite me. A patrolman at his side. Grunts of the urban wars. Being soldiers they have much in common. So they spoke not of truth or consequences, but cars sports family, and the Army. Iraq vets both.

Act Two Observation.

A pod of ten beds with a flat screen floating above each. They limit meds. The Opioid Crisis. I watched hours of "The Walking Dead" to cheer myself up. 

Act Three New Year’s Eve. 

Our overnight intern played the ukulele and sang for us. Angels everywhere. Finally serious Morphine. I asked if I could take home the handy family pack. Nurse said...”no’. Had to try. I entered 2019 in a most pleasant state. 

Act Four Treatment.

The fun stuff begins. I'm pried injected drained poked x-rayed MRI's and Sonograms. Btw I'm still not pregnant. Assorted real-time truths presented. Stuff needs to be chopped off. It's just a question of how much.  ...??!!!

After more MRI shake, and baking they settle on just one little piggy. Considering what was first intended...good news. The other nine, and the legs attached are reprieved...for now. *2023...still have them.

Act Five The Operating Theatre.

No popcorn. Walls ceilings flyby. Muted voices. Then so bright so cold so quick. Did I mention at some point my veins stopped working, and they had to go digging into my arteries for blood. That was the only fun part. Dreamed of seas roar of waves.

Act Six Post-Op.

A blur. Sleep. Deep sleep. I think I remember nurses’ techs doctors speaking to me or maybe I dreamed them. Same thing. Hung out to dry for a few days offered a chat with the Chaplin given a cane and got sugarless ice cream.  Eventually I'm Medevac'd to my digs.

Act Seven Home.

"There, and Back Again"

Loves that phrase from "Lord of the Rings". It's just so useful. I eat lots of fruit nuts suck down soups, and dream of fried foods. A lot of fried foods. Catch up on bad videos and stumble about in a waking dream state...which is how I'm writing this. Love. A bunch of that. So much from my family and my extended online and old radio pals. I don't remotely deserve it...but happily take it anyway. I loves you all too!

Stay tuned.

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