Monday, April 1, 2019

"Another Day in the Life"

Life goes on. Did pre--spring cleaning. Dust has been settling since my latest hospital adventure in January. It's now March, and hit near 70f yesterday so it was time. That, and laundry as well. That stuff self replicates if ya ain't careful. Fortunately I live simply so there's little to dust, and or wash. 

It beat the crap out of me anyway. 

I'm exhausted. Squeaky clean tidy, and correct,...but wasted. No wonder men never clean. I mentioned this to a cop once. Long story. He said in his digs he had paths through the debris. 

Mostly to the kitchen, and bathroom. 

Given the stress, and hours of cop-hood no surprise. I was an engineer with insane hours, and stress,...same deal. Though I didn't get shot at as much. Less Klan rallies too.

I was going to wash the windows. However there's no point in being a fanatic about this. Besides the radio-isotopes in the haze of accumulated toxic crap on the glass reflects the sun in summer.


I sleep more than my cat if I had one. I should get one as we'd never bother each other. We'd just sleep. Well that, and I'd keep the bowl full of Diet Pepsi, and the other with Corn Chips. Also I'd leave the remote for the cable in handy reach on the floor.

...yeah we'd get on fine. 

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