Monday, April 1, 2019



Ya don't fuck with this guy.

Speaking of War Criminals. None of today's or the last century's villains, and mass murderers were remotely scary on a personal level. They were mostly bi-polar sociopaths with sexual disfunctions in tacky comic opera uniforms, and daddy issues.

If you met one of these jerks at a bus stop you'd not notice.

Rounding a corner, and bumping into Marvel's Dr. Doom would be another matter. You'd know your shit was in a jam on sight. Such villains, and master criminals these days are restricted to the realms of fantasy.

The same as Heroes.

Superman Jesus Wonder Woman, and Sponge Bob come to mind. 
Life is actually rather dull. Even our genocides have no real imagination to them. I mean the Elves facing off against the hoards of Orcs is a story an automatic legend.

North vs South Sudan not so much.

There has to be a great truth against great wrong. As opposed to gangs of rapist butchers hacking each other up over the scraps of a departed colonizer. Though the dead are just as dead. 

One is worthy of a song one is not.

How our taste in Mass Murderers has fallen. The Kahn of the Golden Hoard a zillion years later still has movies made about him. 
There was a Butcher worthy of the name.  Whole bleeping continents still bear his scars. 

Human madness summed up in one deranged maniac 

That guy 'liked' getting both hands dirty. A severed head eyes still blinking in one, and still beating heart in the other,...which he takes a bite out of to the approving laughter of his Hoards.

Think of the t-shirts caps, and slurpy jugs this guy could sell. 

Whereas we got calm quietly deranged Himmler, and his pals. Ya know the guy what fainted on seeing a prisoner shot, and threw up on being shown a pit full of the people he ordered killed. Such attempted to exterminate whole peoples

Him, and our guys.

Signal Corps corporals that typed up orders to flame Dresden Hiroshima Hamburg, and Tokyo. Later issued instructions to poison Indochina with Agent Orange. Red Army clerks sending orders to depopulate the Ukraine sending the survivors to Siberia.

Sorry stuff.

The world was being slaughtered by clerks comic opera politicians, and careerist generals. The sort who worried they might miss their train home. This is not progress. If The village exterminating head chopping Ayatollahs had some personal grand evil style we'd have wiped them out by now. 

That whole Valiant Elves vs the evil Orcs thing.

Instead they're mere hysterical clerics droning on YouTube. Telling jobless broke horny kids they'll get laid forever in heaven if they blow themselves up.

The g-ds must be so disappointed in us.

I just had this dream of a bar in Valhalla. Hitler Pol Pot Himmler, and Che the executioner walk in for a few. The Khan, and his pals are there clap eyes on these amatures. They fall on them hack their arms off, and use these to butt fuck them.

Then shoved live grenades down their throats starting with what was left of Hitler. Locked them in the shitter, and waited for the fun. Yeah these guys knew their business.  

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