Friday, December 18, 2020

"...Brightly Floating"

I'm drifting, and dreaming about this life. My mortality. Oh life you are so strange so terrible so wonderful so short.
Mortality is no longer a distant rumor a vague imagining. I've sailed just off it's coast, and seen it's mountains mysterious valleys. Even so I have felt the Bright Wonder of Life.
Every day a Miracle of sensations.
Walking sleeping hot showers books sorting laundry talking to friends on the phone. Tapping on the computer parks shopping. Watching folks birds cats bugs wind rain, and dreams. This, and attempting to decipher medical forms rules balancing income all that stuff.
Wonder upon wonder.
I lay in bed, and listen to my Heart beat. It sounds just as it did when I was little, and wondered at every new thing.
It sounded through my pillow. On, and on. Hardly a missed beat in near a 100 years.
As I said on my recent 70th birthday, "....'Closer to 100 than 20".
Not bad. ..."Ba~bap~Ba~bap~Ba~Bap"
So it goes.

I'm drifting, and dreaming about this life. My mortality:

Oh life you are so strange so terrible so wonderful so short.

Mortality is no longer a distant rumor a vague imagining. I've sailed just off it's coast, and seen it's mountains mysterious valleys. Even so I have felt the Bright Wonder of Life.
Every day a Miracle of sensations.
Walking sleeping hot showers books sorting laundry talking to friends on the phone. Tapping on the computer parks shopping. Watching folks birds cats bugs wind rain, and dreams. This, and attempting to decipher medical forms rules balancing income all that stuff.
Wonder upon wonder.
I lay in bed, and listen to my Heart beat. It sounds just as it did when I was little, and wondered at every new thing.
It sounded through my pillow. On, and on. Hardly a missed beat in near a 100 years.
As I said on my recent 70th birthday, "....'Closer to 100 than 20".
Not bad. ..."Ba~bap~Ba~bap~Ba~Bap"
So it goes.

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