Sunday, August 7, 2022

The image of this soul has been making the rounds online this week. Mostly as an object of scorn contempt. Our brother here has problems. Don't we all. Still, we acknowledge his humanity.

I'm not a minister or counselor, but I did play one on the radio.
If he came by my place for advice. After some non-sugared ice cream. I'd say at the very least tuck your shirt in. There's reasons no one wants to know or have sex with Incels or Nazis. I suggest a simple makeover. First bathe, and shave...always a good start. Then perhaps get advice on the glasses. can go online for that. It's summer so a moderate Hawaiian loose fitting shirt.
I wear these they're cool.
Not too loud monochrome...a faded blue to start. Understated, and implying thoughtful calmness. It won't get you laid, but folks wouldn't run away either. The khaki slacks might stay. However, wash, and press them
Tidiness counts.
Also a more positive attitude may make people want to know you. Um, change the diet. I been there. Lay off the fast foods. Yes, I know it's a comfort, but we're taking about heart attacks, and diabetes here...more greens.
A bit of simple exercise...just walking a mile or so a day would do you wonders. The weight will quickly change. You'll both feel and look better. Yourself image will improve. In fact, you'll be proud of yourself for taking charge of your life, and health. will your family.
I've seen it done.
Let's see. Even with lockdown. Get out more. See life...this helps. Call ya family. ...that's a start. If that bridge is burned. Then people you knew. If none. After the lockdowns are over meet people...and not at Nazi meetings. They are not your pals.
Get a book on the basic teachings of the Buddha.
Ya know compassion empathy all that, Being nicer to others, and yourself. Start laying off the religious political or insular ethnic tracts. That's what's keeping your worth, and health down.
If you're not into that libertard Queer Buddha stuff.
Read humorous things. Start with Thurber. If too smarty pants...Peanuts. Plenty of wisdom and laughs there.
Ease off the violent porn.
Sit in the damned park feel the breeze on your face watch the trees sway. The idea is to expose your life to brighter, and more positive things. No ya won't get laid, but you will feel better. Which is plenty more than ya got now. It's a place to work from.

Yeah, I'm laying all sorts of shit on you. But ya did ask for advice...right. Some of this might make a bit of sense is all I'm saying. You're smart you'll figure it out.
Look, I know life sucks. Folks have been cruel to you forever.
So 'many' have been there. I been there, and I ain't a Nazi or Black separatist. There's more to you than you've been told. Part of you knows this...consider that. People that really don't care about you have said you've a right to vengeance. That serves them...not you.
That isn't your whole world.
You have other, and better ones...keep that in mind when the loneliness pains, and ugly comes. That's the bare basics...the rest is up to you. Live your real life.
Huh...of course you can have more ice cream.
One scoop! ...remember you're being careful now.

(From my 2020 Covid and related matters journals.) Thos one posted on FB in 2020.
Remember at the start of this they said write your experiences...I did.


Di Burns
Found another one who needs your help... A deluded foot soldier.
No photo description available.

Sidney Smith
Actually, I'd say she has heart. She likes color, and style, and is self-confident enough to go about in public for her faith. True she might call the cops on me for walking while Black. Still, we all must start somewhere.
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