Thursday, April 5, 2018

"Bombs Away!"

As a public service the management of this award winning page, our dreams. "Bob the Bunny" has decided to begin a new helpful series.
"How to Make Stuff"
This week, "How to Make your own Nuclear Bomb"
What you'll need.
First a tea cup of kitty litter, three radium tipped wind up clocks. Two AA batteries with a half pound of butter. Then 12 not 11 not 10 or 8 or 9, but exactly 12 standard tea spoons of honey.
Next 1/2 gallon of iced tea with again no more, and no less than 12 ice cubes.
'And yes of course 1/2 ounce of gin with four slices of beef baloney.
Not that chicken or turkey nonsense, but the real thing. Beef fucking Baloney. That other underclass crap is a war crime.
Right. Finally an ounce of unleaded gasoline, and three sugar cubes. Of course this is complicated!
It's an Atomic fucking Bomb fer Christ's sakes!
Now all this happy noise into a sealed glass pitcher...not metal of any
That is unless you 'want' a pre-mature detonation.
...And there you are.
Next week how to make the Free Lunch.
 On a related topic.

I was asked what's "Bob the Bunny's" take on Steve Bannon.
"Bob the Bunny" knew Bannon back in the day.
They were both Black Op vets. ...that is before Bannon went rouge. He, and Bob they used to hang out in the back of decommissioned B-52's out at the "Bone Yard". Aka Davis-Monthan AFB. This just outside of Tucson.
There they'd drink laugh shoot up speed heroin sometimes cleaning fluid or root beer. Well Bob did root beer. 
Btw that drug road is written all over Bannon's face.
Anyway they had a falling out when Bannon tried to get Bob to join some secret Nazi SS assassins cult. For some weird reason they wanted to terminate all the subway conductors in Chicago. ??? "Bob" said "I only kill for the Constitution." 
Bob later passed on an invasive psych profile of that evil Bannon whack job. This to his connections in the NSA/CIA/ Mossad, Apple Microsoft, and that secret bunch that runs all the dark self aware A.I. systems. Yeah all the real power players have his number. So it was just a matter of time till they clipped his wings. 
Note how quietly, and smoothly they just ordered Trump to remove him from the NSC...National Security Council. A post to which he himself arraigned his own appointment.
Bob said, " to hand it to 'em...Balls." 
Trump signed the order having not read it...had no bleeping idea. He could have been ordering Thai-take out. The dance of the true power cliques is a sight to behold. A grand ballet. That Trump crowd has no idea who, and or what they'd fucking with.
Stay tuned it's about to get really entertaining...or so "Bob" tells me.

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