Wednesday, April 18, 2018

" aliens"

The NY Times, yeah 'that' Times ran a piece saying da fucking Vikings navigated using Crystals. Sigh. Eh no! They didn't.
That the fucking Times would spill ink on this sort of Pseudoscience is fucking ass shameful!

"What's that gambling in my casino?!! I'm shocked, shocked!"

Not only that no! 9/11 was not an inside job the fucking space aliens did not build the Pyramids. Jebus wasn't an Alien.
George Soros did not pay millions of people to demonstrate against that fucking rapist Trump.

NASA, and the Clintons are not running child slave camps on Mars. That was closed last year. No the young kids slaughtered in the school massacres were not actors. 

Also FEMA as far as I hear ain't building concentration camps for Christians or white people.  Though that one may be a good idea.

Wait gets better. sez that smartphones are not addictive. Massive evidence to the contrary. It's all bunk from technophobic old people. Actually it is, but so what it's still all true.
Take a look at the videos on YouTube of kids becoming hysterical some violently. When their folks takes them toys away as punishment.

Imagine taking a junkie's China white away just as they were about to jack up. Come to think of it. I think the kids should toss them devices away, and use Heroin.
Yep dear old fucking heroin or Heroin-Meth Speed Balls with Cocaine Valium chasers, and massive beer or Jack Daniels intake.

Read Bill Burroughs "Wild Boys" for instructions.

That shit is way more fun, and you can do it alone. No need for them stupid smartphone conversations. That or exchanging pics of your lunch cocks or freshly laid shit,...the latter seems to be the current fav.

Plus it kills you faster. What more could you ask for.

Of course I mean this post as satire.

Though you Nazis out there 'really' should do massive amounts of speed-ball cocaine cocktails. Sure it'll kill ya fucking stone dead,...I know it killed me three times. Like a jerk I kept coming back.

Anyway da Fuhrer would approve as so many of his staff did exactly this. So get busy mein scheibekopf nazifreunds.

eantime put them devices in a wood chipper. It'll make both Uncle Syd, and baby Jebus smile.

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