Friday, September 29, 2017


Is it me or are more people shooting up churches malls high schools subways sidewalks, and fucking dollar stores. The Dollar stores I don't get.  The whole point of them places is that everybody that goes there is fucking broke or afraid they're about to be.

Which means there's No Money There!!

What the fuck? Anyway while sitting here with my aged life draining away. I  notice that there's another bloody church shoot out by some desperate flash backing veteran junkie white nationalist ex-nun crack head deranged housewife queer basher laid off factory worker bankrupt accountant pissed off 7-11 clerk religious nut.

Stop me if you've heard this one before.

Anyway I glance at the piece, and yeah the usual. One wonders why these nutters don't get creative. Ya know unleash a hundred giant air breathing running Piranha loose in a Jewish daycare center during holy week.

Ya know something interesting that would get folks who are calmly reading about the genocides of the day to stop, and say, "Wow that was weird".

It would kinda make worthwhile being blasted to shreds by state police who come to the perp's house, and shoot him 480 times with 9mm hollow bore rounds. Then the more enthusiastic officers go at him with their military grade repeater shotguns that Trump just let all the cops in the country have.

I have a retro vision of "Mayberry RFD" with deputy "Barney Fife" hosing down some Civil Rights workers with that super multi-barreled belt-fed 250 round hyper shot gun.

Then Sheriff "Andy" drives up in his classic 1962 Ford police cruiser.

He jumps out, and sez to "Barney".

"You stupid trash pecker wood mammy jammer moron now ya done it!"  "Them fucking Nigger loving New York Jew Queer beatnik lawyers are gonna be on us like lice in a trailer park!!"

But I digress.

Hard times I guess to leads to hard events. Folks is losing it pretty bad in this country. In fact the whole dame place has gone seriously fucking barking at the moon while sodomizing a blood relative nuts. We're huddled behind our barricades hoping that they kill butcher, and eat the folks next door, and not us. This ain't the 21st century some of us was banking on.

'Ol George Jetson wouldn't make it halfway down the block without getting stopped frisked gutted skinned, and put in a grey market meat pattie luncheon pack. I see these btw all the time now. Mystery food from companies no one ever heard of.

However bleep it the price is right, and people are hungry. "Mommie there's a piece of finger in my sandwich. "Shut up,...give it to the dog."

Yep. Stars, and Stripes forever.

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