Sunday, November 14, 2021

"...Thunder Snow"

Memory from a snowy day in pre-COVID March 2017.

Well it started snowing for real with a serious wind so I went out.  No sane person would go,…so I went. The ground has about 6 inches of assorted semi-frozen liquids. Several yuckie layers of snow'n ice. 

I asked Bob da Bunny if he wanted to go exploring. He he turned pointed his pipe at me, and said “…Fuck No!!! ”, and went back to binge watching “Mayberry RFD”. He was up to the lost episode where Aunt Bee made Deputy Barry Fife’s Klan outfit for the rally. 

However she forgot to cut eye holes in the hood, and the stupid Kluxer wandered into the burning cross. He’s enveloped in flame runs into the grandstand sets that on fire which sets the parking lot on fire which has dozens of pick up trucks with large cans of gasoline for the Civil Rights church burnings.

Suffice to say “Mayberry” blows up.

I can see why they never let this Kluxer Nazi episode out of the can. Might contrast with the wholesome marketing of the series. 

Eh,…but I digress. 

Anyways I went stumbling about in the frozen slop with a real wind stirring up. Razor sharp daggers of hail tearing into me. I began to wonder if this was a mistake. I was the only idiot out there.

I saw the deli was open so went over, and forgot to buy ice cream again. I did get bread, and cheese though. I may go out later in the afternoon. Looking outside it’s doing the blizzard thing. Maybe not the three feet they hysterically warned, but a respectable 14 or so inches, and who could complain about having 14inches. Inconvenient, but still.

Now there’s brisk winds so we get a little blizzard after all. Great now it’s Thundering. Thunder Snow! …I’m suing. Above Snow Queen Skipper. Barbie’s kid sister on da scene. Now to nap.

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