Thursday, March 2, 2023

 My friend John Michael Koroly posted a work by French sculptor Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux. The 1873 marble bust, titled “Why Born Enslaved!” Mr. Carpeaux was European. A commenter said: “Only black artists are permitted to make art concerning black people” I replied: “I understand your position. However, segregation I learned comes in a myriad of forms. I lived in segregation. I never liked it. Particularly regards the arts. Artist creates as they will. ...period."

These are interesting times. Marginalized people are reinterpreting what was thought to be works of compassion. Even hauling down statues and images of once admired figures. Lincoln and Jefferson among them. Perhaps this fanatical revision was inevitable. Even as the current pushback against 80 years of social progress. We are now in a time thanks to the digital era. When we can see all of our conflicting American truths at once. A unique advantage over the past. 

Perhaps we will use that unique view to see that all human souls have demons and angels in constant struggle. As future generations will see our historic context to understand why we do as we do. That and cut us some slack. As we should do for the past. 

A 17th 18th or 19th century person. Especially one with a conscience was doing the best they knew within the limits of their eras. Lincoln said "...we will do right in so far as providence shows us the right." We're in precisely in the same situation. We do right by what we presently understand to be right.

It was nothing sort of miraculous that a Lincoln Jefferson or FDR were in positions of authority when they were. This with all the faults and misjudgments they unknowingly carried viewed from of 21st century revisionist judgement. As we carry unseen sins to be judged by 24th century self-righteous revisionist critics.


  1. Hi Sidney. Google have made it all but impossible for me to post with their latest "security" boondoggle. I had to go through an absurd rigmarole, involving multiple trips to the library and 48 hours' delay, just to post this message. So I may not be able to post much at all for the foreseeable future. Just wanted to let you know.

    Peace! Love! And all that good hippie stuff.

  2. I figured it was something like this. Haven't posted for most of the month anyway so you didn't miss much. I'm just old pissed off and tired. However very happy you're still out there. I'll try to put up assorted static and noise in days to come.
