Sunday, December 8, 2019

"Welcome Home"

I almost never portal to the future certainly not the near future. 
I once went just 40 years ahead, and met the rising Hudson river. This at the foot of my former, and long abandoned apartment building.

I went 3k years further to the Bronx.
I found what was left enmeshed in rainforest like the Aztec towers before it.

The two most dangerous words in any human language are, "...What if?"

Timelines are malleable. 'What if' we learned from our mistakes what if there was a small change that became a great change. So I set my dark matter pocket watch for a jump. ...High ground.

Brownville Brooklyn~NYC
May 26, 2093~CE 2:53pm

I shifted, and appeared in an alley.
This between two late 19th century tenements. I'd have thought them long clear away.

I walked the street. Ruined abandoned.

There was,...snow? The climate seemed to have become more chaotic. The buildings shops were pocked with gun fire. Automatic military grade bullet wounds everywhere. The area was cleared. This was a Black 'hood had been since the mid-1800's. It was still when I portaled.

However there were signs of sudden violent removals.

There was something hovering next to my head,...a drone the size of a wasp said, "...Freeze!"

The traditional police announcement to any Black that they are about to die.
My body was covered with multiple red, and amber laser spots.

I shifted.

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