Saturday, December 7, 2019

"Years Ago When I still had a kind of Faith"

G-d is not far away in some golden heaven, ruling some distant Paradise. G-d is here with us. Always has been. Always will be. Because G-d's Heaven is on Earth.
"Heaven on Earth"
G-d's on the subway, She's coming home from work. It's crowded she couldn't get a seat again. She has a headache, and her feet hurt.
The train pulls into G-d's station. She has to struggle her way out of the crowded car. Manners, and polite consideration still haven't caught on. Still, they are learning. They are trying.
On her way home G-d does some deli shopping. She picks up a pint of vanilla ice cream,...with almonds. Some oranges, a box of mint tea. You know, the brand with all the nice pictures on 'em. Some bread sticks, and dried figs. All the major food groups.
At the counter G-d pays in Aztec jade, Roman silver, and Confederate bank notes. The Jamaican woman that runs the deli is used to her 'special' customer paying in odd currencies. The dreadlocked woman gives G-d her change in Barbados dollars, American dimes, and Australian pennies.
The two are friends, the clerk, and G-d.
So they stand awhile exchanging gossip which is cut short by other customers. G-d adds a lotto ticket, and some chap stick to her purchase's, and leaves.
Outside the deli G-d sees a homeless man begging.
G-d knows him. Though he doesn't remember 'once upon a time' his name was Bartholomew, and he is an Angel. One day he'll remember that, but for now G-d smiled at him, and put a silver shekel once earned by a certain Judean carpenter into his cup.
G-d blinked, and there was Light. G-d sang, and there was Life. G-d smiled, and there was Love.
The "Lord of Hosts" got to her building, and quickly walked up the stairwell. Passing through the cooking aroma's of half a dozen ethnic groups. The "Divine" enjoyed not only that, but the symphony of all their languages.
She lived on the top floor of a six story walk up. She liked living up there because it was convenient to the roof. The G-d of Abraham, the Lord of Gandhi, the Mother Creator of all that was is or will be was on the roof sitting in a lawn chair,...listening.
G-d was looking out over the city, and listening to prayers.
The "Lord Creator" listened to prayers the way people listen to the radio. The music of souls was in the air. The sky was bathed in prayer. They danced over the city. Visible to Her as bright aurora's. G-d watched, and listened.
She listened to each, and every one.
The "Lord of Creation" was on a bus. The ebb, and flow of the traffic reminded Her of the start, and sudden stop of schools of fish. She was headed to the dentist. Still the "Lord" couldn't help, but beam,...She smiled despite the pain. For She loved Her children so.
G-d looked about. She saw that almost all the tribes of humanity were sitting with Her. Babylon, Constantinople, and now New York. How they gathered the family together. She enjoyed her time in all of them.
An elder woman was staring. Staring at Her. The woman looked from behind crinkled lids with eyes that said, "...I see You".
G-d Almighty was outed on an unremarkable day on a bouncing crosstown bus. This didn't happen often, being seen recognized. It's usually children or the elders. Them with the sight either entering or leaving.
Her name was Violet. This woman who could see the Light which breathed Dreams, and Fire into the Void.
G-d, and Violet just sat, and beheld each other. This as New York blared around them. At last Violet spoke asked G-d, asked in a calm voice, ...
"Are you Happy?"
"Almighty G-d" She who laid the foundations of Eternities,...said "Yes".
The bus eventually pulled up to Union Square the Violet's stop. She got up to leave, but turned at the last moment, and asked G-d,.. "Why did you make us?" The "Maker of All Things said ,..."So you would be might happy too."
The woman nodded, and went on her way.
That night her mouth still numb from the Novocain. G-d thought about Violets last question. "Are you happy?" How wise Her children were. Happiness was the whole point of creation.
Happiness, joy, fulfilment, the Lord smiled. "Oprah is closer to the Truth than she knows", but still, is the Creator happy?
She looked from her window, and saw that the night sky danced again with bright streamers of prayer.
She will listen. G-d will listen again to the Dreams, and Nightmares of Her children.
She who with a thought birthed stars listened to the prayers of the world.
Though tonight She will pray too.
Tonight God will Pray with Her Children.
G-d is not far away in some golden heaven, ruling some distant Paradise. G-d is here with us. Always has been. Always will be. Because G-d's Heaven is on Earth.
The blue world continued to sail around it's golden sun. Life went on with all it's joys, and mysteries. The years gathered into centuries. The centuries into millennia, and the millennia into ages. Ages that melted mountains, lowered, and raised seas, and rearranged the stars.
In this new time all life was in the sea, as it was in the beginning. Humanity had long since transcended to their bright realities. How that pleased G-d. She was still with them in their new realms.
She'd followed her children as they scattered themselves amongst the stars. 
Though She still remembered, and abided on the Earth. 
Now She dwelled in the seas with her newer children. This as the land rested, and healed from it's long work. G-d, the maker of Worlds, the founder of Dreams swam in clouds of plankton. She maneuvered amongst schools of fish, burrowed with worms, swayed with sea weed, and contemplated with Whales. Whales.., and the others of their kind were the next of Her children who would find their way to the stars.
She would learn with them, wonder with them, pray with them till at last they too found their bright place in eternity. She would do this for them as She had for all of Her children on all of the Earths.
With Patience She would Watch.
With Patience She would Guide.
With Patience She would Love.

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