Tuesday, January 3, 2023

It's a start.


  1. To tell the truth I have never really worried about nuclear war, despite all the fear-mongering hoopla, for the following reason. Whether some megalomaniac with his finger on a red button pushes it or not is something over which I have absolutely no control. What is the point of worrying about things over which you have no control? It's a complete waste of time. You might as well have a beer.

  2. I gets your point. Neither of us has any control over them maniacs. Like the Dinos didn't over that big rock. The emotion enters by experience. I was around for the height of the Cold War. Being vaporized was an everyday expectation. So we all just went about our business...mostly The real close calls had their effect.

    Like that unscheduled air raid drill when I was little in the mid-50's. Everyone thought it was the real thing. Cars ran red lights to get home people trampled in the street.

    As I posted here my Ma scooped me out of the back yard flew to the basement and laid her body over mine in the far corner. I'm over 70 and in not only another century but millennium. Yet with emotion I remember that day. So when the moment comes it will be memorable.

    So the answer to the question...
    "How do you tell over 300,000,000 people that most of them will be dead or wishing they were in the next hour? "

    ...You don't.
