Wednesday, June 28, 2023

One day it stopped. The cruel selfish mean things stopped. No sparkling lights or Angels about. Wars the big uglies stopped. They just did. Most didn't notice for a while. I didn't...exactly.
Till I went to a Chinese takeout, and they fed me for free.
Police began helping the homeless instead of busting them. Firemen took them into their stations. Regular folks were doing this as well. Treating others like family. The News became very funny. Fox CNN, and the rest of them jokers was all coming clean about lying to us.
Shops began giving useful item to folks. Like at the Chinese place. Where they told me, "...everybody has to eat". None of that Black Friday greed stuff happened. People all over began exchanging things. Not barter exactly. Just a kindness of heart sharing.
All this, and somehow the economy still worked...better than ever. This all over the world. I was watching that BBC special about how our biggest aircraft carriers are being converted into grain ships. The government, and president had nothing to do with it. The Navy, and farmers got together figured it out, and did it. Like them big Israeli Iranian water purification projects in Africa, and other places.
The science guys began getting rid of all the nukes. I mean who needs them things. Mind you folks is still folks. We have all sorts of assholes still running around loose. Just not as many, and they're not in change anymore. However, I'm thinking of voting for some just to watch them go nuts as they're ignored.
As for "The Day", and what the hell it means.
Well, the surprise was that we've been in a post scarcity world economy for over a hundred years. Some of them wonks think longer. Turns out there's more than enough for all. We'd been in a hand to mouth exploitative tradition for so long we just didn't know how to share it. Predatory capital, and Soviet communism were signs as to how wrong we were getting it but were too blinded by habit to see.
So it changed. We 'saw'...and saw at the same moment.
Religious folks think it's some deity or other. However, them smarty pants online, and TV call it an Evolutionary Awakening. Like when the ability for language suddenly spread all over the place.
They think we've had this cooking up for a long time.

Explains them peasant revolts through history. In this country Abolitionist Civil Rights folks art and free speech movements. Similar stuff around the world. One day like a genetic log jam it burst. History moves on. Anyway, besides going back to 73. I finally opened that toy store and free doll hospital. Drop by sometime.

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