Saturday, January 13, 2018


So I'm coughing up blood sometimes now. Just a bit just streaks. I looked online. 32 possible explanations most of them involving cancers a few respiratory things. Also fav. I had four operations behind that last spring.
That, and it goes all the way to,...the Plague.

I then looked up malnutrition,...a recent fav. Yeah blood shows up for that too. So I've narrowed it down. Having a history G.I. mayhem, and intermittent hunger over the last two years. That's my deal.

The mostly good news is it's not cancer or the bleeping plague.

So I can ride this shit out without having to go to the fucking hospital again. Thing is whenever I do go. I end up in their paws for days or like last time over a month. 
This so them crooks can give me tons of tests I don't need to pad the Medicaid bill.

Turns out the evil fucking Republicans are actually right on that one.
No thanks I'll die at home thank you very much.

( See above I have a for real G.I. Medic's kit. ...should be enough.)

My "we hate you, and all poor people especially un-white ones, but for now are forced to feed you" card has refilled from the beloved federal government.

So I'll go shopping in the afternoon sometime after I gets up. I'll make a seriously full, and hot meal. That should do it. I really don't eat much mostly because I'm too depressed, and mildly suicidal.  Though more, and more being too poor to eat get's in the way.

However like I say it ain't so bad since I mostly don't want to eat anyway. Though with that blood coming up it looks like I should.

If I die I'll let ya know.

Maybe I'll get the fixings for a little spaghetti thing with bread.
A meal almost like people have!

'Be back. 

1 comment:

  1. The best thing about tis page is that no one comes here...except me. No one else by he Stats. Zero. Even though I once gave the address on my "FB" None interested,...fine. My shit's crap anyway, but I like it.

    It's here this site as a place to store my stories. Mind you it will eventually vanish one day, but so what.

    We all do soon enough.
