Tuesday, January 30, 2018


I was trying to escape the demented political mayhem of our times by going to a scale model page. No dice. Some war mongering troll kept going on about how we need to build more quarter trillion dollar carriers like the USS Gerald Ford. He had the fantasy that armor would save them from missile attack. I took the bate, and laid into the ignorant Nazi fuck.
I replied:
"The age of the large surface vessel is over. Period. The submersible is the Queen of the Seas, and has been for decades. Just as the battleship admirals refused to let go of their bone, ( Pearl Harbor taught them overnight otherwise), so do the Carriers admirals, and their supporters.
In a war where the enemy is as well armed as we, and possibility even more motivated. Our carrier battle groups will vanish within a week. If a nuclear war,...hours.
Why do you think our potential major war opponents are not investing in carriers. I can tell you they would be if they thought they were viable,...they are not.
In a sea slug fest with other major powers the surface navies of all sides are toast. ...and no amount of "armor" will save any of them.
We are somewhat past Jutland."

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