Wednesday, December 5, 2018

"Brightly Floating"

For the past few daze I've been taking an attempted break from being traumatized. I've been in the mists of dreams, and wonderings. They're keeping me alive this wispy world of shadows, and visions. "Brightly Floating" as the sign sez.

busy drifting, and dreaming about this life. My mortality. Oh life you are so strange so terrible wondrous so short.

ortality mine is no longer a distant rumor a vague imagining. I've sailed just off it's coast, and seen it's mountains mysterious valleys landscapes. Even so I have felt the Bright Wonder of my Life.

Every day a Miracle of sensations.

Walking sleeping hot showers books sorting laundry talking to friends on the phone tapping away on the computer going shopping watching families be families birds cats bugs the wind the rain, and dreams of the perhaps coming snows.

All this, and the everyday attempting to decipher my medical forms benefits rules balancing a small income all that strange, and silly old person stuff. 

Wonder upon wonder.

I lay in bed, and listen to my Heart beat. It sounds just as it did when I was little, and wondered at every new thing.

"Ba~bap~Ba~bap~Ba~bap" sounded through my pillow as a boy, and still now it goes on, and on. Hardly a missed beat in near a 100 years.

As I said on my birthday, "....'closer to 100 than 20".


So it goes.

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