Saturday, October 28, 2017

"Hark the Herald...."

I wrote this in 2008 just before I think my "Homeless" adventure. Perhaps it was a warning to prepare.

Well there I was in the elevator of the Empire State Building headed for the 86th floor. That's where the transmitter offices for most of the New York radio stations are. 'And where I still have a job,..just.

Anyway somewhere between the 22nd, and 40th floors, I wasn't paying attention. I was thinking about jumping off the Manhattan Bridge. However I snapped out of 'that' fast!


The East River is full of the nasty things.

Right, so I decides to emulate George Bailey from "It's a Wonderful Life" by jumping into the backed up toilet of what passes for our river. '...and I'm eaten alive by mutant eels on the way down.

On second thought I think I'll stick around.

Which brings us back to the elevator. So there I am with images of being ripped to bloody shreds by red eyed demon eels. This as I plunge into the murky depths of our common crapper.

When suddenly The Angel Gabriel speaks to me!

Well I don't know if it was really 'him' or not, and that's not the point. What 'is' the brass ring here is what was said.

get this...


(...ya dummie!)

The last bit there was implied, but just as effective. Shit! Why didn't I think of that. "Yeah why da hell didn't ya!" sez Gabriel.

Okay so now I'm seriously "visualize'n" all sorts of cute stuff for my hopeful future.

Still, this strange new life that has been thrust upon me is a kind of war. One can be hopeful in war. Hopeful, but not stupid. Stupid in the trenches means death.

...and what fun is that?

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