Sunday, October 29, 2017

"The Art of Radio"

This from Wednesday, January 14, 2009

(Uncle Sidney in his ironic disguise of a famous Russian comedian explains the subtle nuances of
radio art to attentive workers)

"Dear Beloved Uncle" made a surprise visit to a workers collective today. Uncle just loves surprises. Beloved Uncle took it upon himself to visit the peoples administrative, sub-directorate office of the Volga shoehorn factory No. 12.

All of the comrade administrators were in awe of the wit, and charm of Dear Uncle, and his off the cuff presentation. Uncle warmed to his favorite subject, and waxed poetic on the spiritual nature of a well written, and performed station break.

He then shared several hours of anecdotes about his broadcast adventures with the transfixed comrades. Most touching was his impromptu re-enactment of his dear friend *Simon Loekle's on air reading of Pushkin while having just snorted ten grams of cocaine followed by five bottles of Ripple.

**(...noted New York poet, broadcaster, and old pal.)

(An astounded "Beloved Uncle Sidney", and some middle level Party officials witness "Good Comrade Loekle's" amazing performance while under the influence of enough dope, and booze to kill ten Cossacks!!)

Angels wept silver pearls at the beauty of that long ago performance. As the sun set behind Shoehorn factory No.12 our Dear Uncle informed the gathered comrades it was time for him to go. The workers protested, and fell to their knees begging him for just one more dope story. However our most stalwart Uncle mildly chastised them saying that it was time for them to go back to work. Because "Socialism needed them!"

With that our ever thoughtful, and kindly Uncle got on his old bike, and peddled his way back to the Kremlin. There to write more lovely stories about teenaged homosexual Angels that fight for the rights of the oppressed!

*( Alright this one, which is also from one of my older blogs, is an inside joke for listeners to that commie radio station I work for. Also for my fellow staffers. Esp. that bit about the booze'n dope. Show Biz, I loves it.)

**( My dear friend Simon as I've mentioned is now pasted away. He was my very dear friend I miss him everyday.)

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