Monday, October 30, 2017


May 10th 2010

I was stranded in waste deep anxious wakefulness last night. so I got on the subway at 2:00am, and came to town. I had a pizza in Times Square, wandered eighth avenue. Not as deadly or interesting as it used to be. Which I will admit is a good thing, but still.

I miss the all night porn shops where I could get the demented dreams of my choice above or usually below the counter, vivid color too.

It was cold, and raining like hell, but I loved it.

Before I left the house I was watching this movie on 13, the local public station. "New Orleans Mon Amour". Wow. Love in the ruins indeed. It was an indie starring a bunch of nice young actors.

The "name" guy or mainstream star was the fella that played the Doctor in "Doctor Who" two doctors ago. 'Always liked him, but don't remember his name,...figures. He does all that neat work, and his name evaporates.


...wait, wait I remember the guy now.

Eccleston, right Christopher Eccleston!

Anyway I eventually ended up at the radio station, WBAI. That place is my second, and at times primary home. Been there 31 years. Most of my generation from there is either stiff in the mud or happy grandparents now.

Oh the adventures we had! Scary politics, techie hijinks, swell drugs, and sex now'n then. Even almost won a bunch of awards. As for now,..well.

Well I'm just living is all. I miss the old daze, and my old pals. The station, like the Navy,...that's another story, goes on forever. Something always needs fixing or my voice is needed for this or that. It's a life.

On the other hand something from that movie, "New Orleans Mon Amour". Someone in all that mayhem of a sunken city, and complicated relationships said,

"...what is the past good for."

"All that damage, and dead weight."

"Throw it away."

Them lines is what got me out of the house. Got me out to wander the rainy canyons of the Emerald City". I stumbled about wondering which bits of my screwed up past to dump.

Oh how I love my pain. 'Don't we all. Our memories of hell. How could I ever part with any of it.

Well like I sez I went, and had some pizza. I sat, and stared out into the wet purgatory of another pharmaceutical night.

Aw crap, this scans like the opening to that Woody Allen film "Manhattan". Only unlike him I didn't mean this post as comedy.

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