Monday, October 30, 2017


"Facts of Life"

Okay here it is. I am horrified by abortion. I think it's outright murder. I 'also' believe that women have the ultimate right to chose if they will carry their child to term,...birth or not.

I have extreme views on both sides of this issue. For example I think no man, no male has any right to decide or rule on this topic. No male judge, administrator or Pope can say bleep.

This is a profoundly female issue.

On the other hand as I just said I believe it's murder. Just like the Church, and assorted far right groups say it's the "Slaughter of the Innocents". Unfortunately these guys have linked it to all the Culture War hot button issues.

This is tragic. The topic doesn't belong there. It should never have become an ideological football. Just a rag doll to be kicked this way, and that depending political whims.

This is about life, and death, and trumps everything else.

Folks against abortion, not all, also tend to be against every progressive thing in the political landscape. To be fair both the right, and 'left' have included abortion in their dreary laundry list of culture war flash points.

Anti-abortion ideologues seem to me not to love the mothers or even respect the dead kids. Just check out the gallery of horrors they use in their propaganda. Color pictures of dead shredded babies till the cows come home.

I've seen all that, and wonder why they don't give the kids the dignity of a service. That and a burial or cremation.

The political left too often loses sight that there's more than just the life of the mother involved. There's a child, a living child in this mix as well. To their shame the progressives say it's just flesh. A blob of nothing.

I was in a relationship with a dear friend many years ago. She had a miscarriage. She lost her child, our child.

Do you get it? This was our kid.

We both wanted the remains, little as there was for a proper release. The hospital had as a matter of routine "disposed" of the tissue as they called our baby.


I don't know maybe it's because I love kids so much or that helping to raise my sister's kids was perhaps the happiest time of my life. That, and losing our baby, our "tissue" is what makes me feel as I do.

Still I know having a kid is no speedball rush, ...exactly.

Perhaps if I had the ultimate responsibility to raise a malformed or mentally dysfunctional kid I'd think different about abortion. That or if the actual birth would kill me.

Yeah I have thought of that. Bringing a tormented disabled child into this deranged world. If I were a woman hope I would have the wisdom, and strength to know what to do.

This is a nightmare indeed.

This horror was made even clearer by the recent incident in Italy when an aborted child lived for two days in the trash. Alright trash sounds overly dramatic. The kid was mixed up with the usual medical waste, and was found by accident.

This isn't the first time this has happened over there, and I have to assume it's not uncommon around the world. Especially in China where abortion is sometimes forced on women for population control.

Btw there's a black market for aborted flesh for use in soup in that workers paradise.

So I'm saying this is murder, and I'm saying only woman can decide to kill their own kids.

No I don't mean people like that sad disturbed lady that drowned her little kids in her car,...and then blamed it on a black man.

I guess this is holding two seriously opposing positions at the same time. Something I'm told one can't do. Actually folks do this sort of thing all the time. We just don't make a fuss about it for convenience sake.

Damn, this still doesn't

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