Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Where are they Now?

Boris Nikita Badenov became an oil Billionaire in the post-Soviet wave of extreme capitalism. 'Lost it all at the craps tables in Vegas 'n Chinatown Opium Parlors. He runs a news stand in Brighton Beach now.

Sez Boris, "...Been there done that".

"I worked at the fiery edges of both sides." Now I'm content to sell 'El Diario" Lotto Tickets soft porn nickel bags, and candy bars". "Sure I do the occasional hit, but that's all."
Boris also does a weekend afternoon talk show on Brooklyn TV. "BCAT" http://wwitv.com/tv_channels/7638.htm. He was surprised on one show when "Fearless Leader" came on as a surprise guest. He spoke about the halfway-house he started with the late Idi Amin for former Dictators.

Said "Fearless", "We tried to get "Gaddafi" out in time, but he wouldn't listen. Thought to could pull a comeback. Instead he got the Mussolini treatment. Such a fool!"

"Fearless Leader" now runs a Ford dealership in New Jersey.

Natasha stayed in the Security game. She used her worldwide contacts to start her own Intelligence Agency. "The Pierogi Institute". She was behind the Snowden U.S. Intelligence data dump. However once the info was out she dropped him like a hot Pierogi...heh heh...get it?

Sez Natasha: 

"A fool, and a bullet will always meet"

She's a mean operative, but thorough. Boris, and Natasha however still do public appearances at comic book, and science fiction conventions.

Btw they make a bundle on the franchised re-runs of their early 1960's shows, and their product name costumes, and toys. Above-page top "Natasha" at "Comic-Con 2016" where she lectured on the hidden history of the world.

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