Wednesday, December 7, 2022


'Got into this theological thing with some guy on da street. He laid all his personal Jehovah's Witness stuff on me...always smile, and nod when this happens. I decided not to tell him about my new religion based on pastries, and comic books. Well, he was a nice guy, and meant well...I didn't tell'em I was Queer. Them 'Witness' folks seriously don't like Jews Queers and other assorted suspects. 'Least last I heard they didn't. Btw as I mentioned somewhere I'm always nice to religious nutters I bump into.
No matter how wigged out there they are they all have the 'Shine'. Been touched by Upper Management and went bleeping nuts. Someone should email Paradise. A lot down here can't handle that divine vision stuff. Makes'em dangerous folks get hurt.
On the other hand...
Smarty pants that think too much gets touched too. Most just take up yoga. The rest become inconvenient theologians like Thomas Merton or deranged artists. Like Dizzy Gillespie Emma Goldman James Baldwin. Dali Whitman Ginsberg Emily Dickenson comes to mind too. Wadda bunch.
I was "Touched". ...a a way...kind'a. Come to think of it most of us were.
Ya know seeing through time, and space hearing da sky sing wild dreams that whole deal.
I remember being captured by the sky when I was eight.
I was in the school yard and staring at the wonder of them swift October clouds. Didn't notice all the kids had gone in. Sister Alice had to come out and get me.
Principle thought I was disturbed. Told Mom I might need help. Ma told her to bleep off.
So began my life as an undocumented shaman...sort of. Those that used to listened to my old radio programs know what I mean. Which is why I'm thinking of setting up a mostly harmless spirit thing. One with pastries, and comic books as sacraments. My idea for a store-front temple:
"Uncle Sydney's First Church of Amazing Bewilderments"
The more I think about it the more I may do this nutty thing. What could go wrong? Anyway, about being cool with all the holy maniacs on da streets. There's a bunch of 'Witness' folks planted at the subway entrance I use. Like I sez smile nod and take their stuff if offered. Something to read on da train.
I'm sincere. Sure they'd burn me at the what. It's nice to be nice. As grandma said fight fear with love. That and never...never ever hate back. I even asked them to pray for me when I was going nuts more than usual a while back. When I saw 'em again the said they did.
Wow, how neat is that.

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