Wednesday, February 7, 2018

"Bright Burning"

I'm now looking at horror of our world not with emotional revulsion. Rather now with better tools. Namely Science, and Art. From that view this wave of xenophobic nationalism sweeping the planet. Is just the latest convulsion between Light, and Dark that our species cyclically goes through.

Sometimes for good reason.

This is yet another tremor in our innate rebellion against rationality, that is civilization. As you know the bones in our feet are still now adjusting to our walking upright. So too our consciousness continues to rewire itself for self awareness.

What we think of as the disasters of history are actually the species remaking itself into something better or at least more interesting. Of course there's going to be a certain amount of breakage.

Which is to say wars genocides bad TV, and the general despoiling of the planet. It's important to be aware that this is a long term, and rather messy project. One that once had us banging rocks together, and now has us sending probes to beyond this solar system.

Thing is we're just folks. The whole joyful nutty swell murderous willfully ignorant sweaty lot of us. Think of it. All of us are bright burning systems of Evolution. We've gone from where we were to where we are as Mr. Spock once said. We're still moving too. 

We used to abandon the weak, and eat our young. We mostly don't do this as much now. We are changing. We are imagining, and doing. Likely doing ourselves, and many other into early extinction,...but still moving. It's not pretty. Evolution nature life never is.

On the other hand. I once said to a friend that "Mercy" does not exist in Nature. It's a human fantasy. My friend remarked that humanity is part of nature. What we do is natural,...this includes Mercy.

Time as they say will tell.

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