Thursday, February 8, 2018


As I noted before. An Angel is a verb not a noun.

It is an act.

So in our time we are all a kind of Angel.

However given the way things are there seem to be actual beings that we perhaps mistakenly call "Angels". That's who I refer to here. I think they exist, and have had an effect on the course of human history.
If they are higher beings from perhaps a g-d or g-ds who knows, but they seem to be. That is...exist. Based on my very subjective experiences I say they are very much with us.
There is no possible, this time, scientific proof...which is good.

I dread the day when science can explain the magical.
This because they'd immediately weaponized it.

Speaking of which.

What happens to angels that forget what they are?

Some say these beings in our mist are the cause of some of the oddities of history. ...for good, and bad. However this is legend. History becomes legend. Legend becomes myth. We are stuck trying to divine truth from Myth.

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