Wednesday, February 14, 2018

"Stop Murdering People You Stupid Twats!"

This rant is from I think two or so years back...still works.

It's always a really bad idea to talk about the Middle East. Everybody is going to get very pissed at you no matter what. Well I just took my Meds, and am feeling really feisty tonight.
Here goes.
I'm seeing while wandering the pages of FB plenty of anti-Israeli posts. Some stink of in my opinion old fashioned Jew-Hate. Yeah yeah I know the difference between just being a Jew, and buying into that whole Zionist thing...gimme a break.
It's just that for some years what passes for the left has been knee deep in this. As a former WBAI broadcast engineer I witnessed the true feeling of these or some of these anti-Zionist folks.
They'd come out of the studio, and sit in our reception, and off mic gleefully express their Jew Hate. Confirming that some of these folks are doing what some have long suspected...using the crimes of Israel to cloak their true feelings on the Jewish peoples. Okay okay a hand full of bigots isn't the whole left...but they represent more than a few. ...I fear.
Yeah so I guess the world isn't a nice place.
Here's my point. Israel does really bad things like bombing invading land grabbing. Their opposite numbers however are no prize either. Iran hunts, and hangs gay teens stones women beheads dissidents. Saudi Arabia beheads people in Mecca stones women jails writers journalists.
The Palestinian Authority imprisons or outright executes journalists gays political, and cultural dissidents, and women that they say violated the Koran. Don't even start with Isis. Perhaps the most murderous, and insane movement/government since Germany's National Socialists or North goes on, and on.
Hard to pick a clean side in this fight.
I really don't see any good guys. Just different degrees of brutality cruelty, and murder. The moral position here, that is if we're interested in morality as opposed to vengeance or ideological interests. The Moral position here I think is to condemn the lot of these maniacs, and urge a General Regional Peace. Which in the particular Israeli/Palestinian case is the Two State/Nation Solution which everybody wants except the nationalist extremists demented religious powers, and rulers of both sides.
Now I have a headache.

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