Thursday, February 8, 2018

"This from a Year Ago...Nothing has's far Worse"

That such as he could occupy the highest office in the World says so much. It says our time is over. China, and Russia will have it out to take our place. That an actual overt imbecile, see above, was elected by 60 million people tells the sad truth of what we have become. He is what the country is. Ignorant bigoted selfish greedy disturbed.

For now by the grosses irony of history Germany leads the "Free World",...while it lasts.

A new political order "The Post-Post War Era" is beginning. The Russians thought they'd have to fight WW3 to remove us from the world stage. In fact all they had to do was to tip the scale by 70k votes. They did, and America happily leaves. Grinning at the prospect of putting Niggers back in their place deporting 11 millions of Brown people exterminating Queers, and making rape legal.

To quote from the H.G. Wells short story "The Shape of Things to Come"

"...And so We End an Age."

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