Wednesday, February 7, 2018


We were once Reptiles. We were also once fish, and assorted multi-celled microbes as well. We were mud too if you're into the 7 day creation noise.

To the point.

Our species has been trying to overcome our cold blooded heartless reptilian selves for some time. We've made a lot of serious progress in that journey since the last ice age.

Compassion generosity trust these are now hard wired into us as much as rage greed, and stupidity. In recent times at least in the west we've had a few movements towards putting our reptilian brains on the back burner.

The 16th, and 17th century "Levelers" or "Diggers" had a go at agrarian socialism. They were the direct spiritual descendants of the 14th century Peasant Revolts. Since then there have been many individuals, and movements that have tried to re-organize society along more humane co-operative lines.

The Enlightenment, and it's main achievement the founding of the United States of America was a major attempt at this.

...and from that experiment.

The Abolitionists, the movement to end the ancient institution of slavery. That, and all the social reform movements that came from it into the 20th, and 21st centuries. Mind you from that Peasants Revolt to now have had many failures...often making things a zillion times worse than before.

Yet people kept trying. ...they keep trying. They do this all over the world. Our species is slowly trying to grow the hell up. To get past the iron tradition of reptilian alpha males hoarding all the coconuts for themselves, and their favorites.

We try, and try. Each time making a very small, but lasting improvement. This is what Hope is.


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